An illustration of an umbrella with a sun and a lighting bolt.

We do our best to keep Idealist a safe place for all users, but it’s always important to be careful when working with unfamiliar organizations.

Here are some important tips to keep in mind as you interact with our site:

  • Never send money to an individual you haven't yet met.
  • Use caution when donating to organizations that aren't well-documented, or if there's any reason whatsoever to doubt their legitimacy.
  • Verify an organization’s email domain by doing a quick internet search or entering their email domain into your browser to check if a functional website pulls up.
  • Don't participate in unusual financial exchanges involving bank account transfers or money orders.
  • When in doubt, research and/or ask for referrals. Legitimate organizations will be happy to provide this information.
  • Never open an unsolicited video or click on suspicious links.​ 
  • Please report any suspicious listings, organizations, users, or other content you encounter on our site to prevent further issues.

To learn more about online fraud, ways to protect yourself, and how to bounce back from a scam, see these helpful links:


National Cybersecurity Alliance 

Federal Trade Commission 

Get Safe Online 

If you notice anything unusual or suspicious about a listing or an organization, please report the page or contact us!