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Wondering How to Get Out of a Work Rut? Ask for Opportunities

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Lakshmi Hutchinson

woman and man working together at laptop

Do you feel like you’re being passed up for jobs, or that your co-workers keep getting amazing professional development opportunities? Meanwhile, you’re feeling like you’ve been stuck in a work rut for what feels like a while? It might be time to change your approach from “wait for them to notice me” to “I’m going to make this happen.” 

We break down some tips to help you take initiative and ask for what you want in your career.

Get over the awkwardness of promoting yourself

If you’re not used to sharing your successes, it can feel awkward at first. Being able to successfully position yourself as the right person for a job or development opportunity is a necessary skill, however, and could set you apart from others. The key is to address what you bring to the table as it relates to that specific role. 

  • Whether you’re crafting a cover letter or applying for a grant, always tailor your pitch to the needs of the potential opportunity. If you do your research, the person reading the application will be able to see why you’re excited about working with them specifically. This also makes it feel less like you’re bragging and more like you’re explaining your worth and how you could be a good fit. 
  • It’s important to be able to articulate your strengths, but you’ll also want to be authentic in your conversations. While some people advocate for 30-second elevator pitches, a rehearsed script is not necessarily going to resonate with everyone. Instead, focus on communicating exactly what you are passionate about and why. 
  • Don’t be shy about detailing your accomplishments on your professional profiles or your personal website. Do some research to check out what others are sharing on their sites and consider whether your bio could use some sprucing.

Ask for introductions

Requesting a connection can seem like a daunting task for some of us. You may worry that it can come across as an imposition. But building relationships and networking is nothing to be hesitant about, and the fact is that it’s how most people find jobs. It’s estimated that up to 80% of jobs are filled through personal connections. So how can you politely and professionally request an introduction?

  • If there’s a specific person to whom you want to be introduced, make sure that your contact is actually someone that knows them well enough (a 3rd-degree connection on LinkedIn doesn’t count!). If you are just asking for general ideas of whom to speak with in the field, be sure to explain what exactly you are hoping to gain from the introductions. 
  • If it has been a while since you last spoke to your contact, you need to catch them up on what you’ve been doing and let them know why you want the introduction. Something like, “Since we last saw each other I’ve decided to make a move from program management into fundraising. I thought you may know some good people to talk to for guidance.”
  • In today’s digital landscape, you may actually notice more colleagues and contacts reaching out on social media. Now more than ever, remote networking is being relied upon for introductions. As you get more comfortable approaching “friends of friends,” keep in mind that networking is not meant to be one-sided; you should be willing to do the same for your contacts as well.

Speak up in your current role

Sometimes you need to demonstrate your worth within your current role rather than wait for a promotion or new career opportunity. Here are some tips for navigating a work rut without starting a job search:

  • Instead of waiting for an annual review, schedule time to speak with your manager about projects you would like to be a part of, or promotions for which you are qualified. Be ready with examples of your successes in your current role, and specify where you see yourself ideally in the organization.
  • If you’re on a remote team, it can be hard to get that one-on-one attention from your boss to discuss career moves and growth. And in some cases, they might not even have a great idea of all that you’ve been working on. If that’s the case, realize that it’s truly on you to identify opportunities, document what you’ve worked on that’s relevant and transferable, and request a time for a video call with your manager.
  • If you’re temping or volunteering at an organization with which you’d like to work full time, ask about current or future openings. Being proactive and taking initiative will impress upon them how serious you are and make it easier for them to call you up when a position opens.

Once you get some practice, expanding your network and pitching yourself for opportunities will feel less awkward and more empowering. Here’s to getting out of that work rut once and for all!

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Lakshmi Hutchinson

Lakshmi Hutchinson is a freelance writer with experience in the nonprofit, education, and HR fields. She is particularly interested in issues of educational and workplace equity, and in empowering women to reach their professional goals. She lives in Glendale, California with her husband, twin girls, and tuxedo cat.

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