
Campaigns lead

Virtual, Em qualquer lugar no mundo.

  • Detalhes

    Comprometimento de Tempo:Meio horário (10 a 30 horas por semana)
    Área de foco:Direitos Humanos & Liberdades Civis, Imigrantes ou Refugiados, Emprego & Capacidade Laboral, Abuso Sexual & Tráfico de Pessoas, Mulheres


    Seeking motivated, detail-oriented, and dedicated individual to serve as the campaign lead for the International Coalition Against Modern Slavery. Must have demonstrated understanding of forced labor and other forms of human trafficking. Must also have nonprofit and/or organizing/activism experience. Survivor leaders and youth are encouraged and welcome to apply. Expected to be able to commit to 5-8 hours of work per week. Responsibilities 1) organizing campaigns for coalition members to be involved in, for example: creating and distributing educational materials, curating action items, facilitating virtual panels and discussions, reaching out to other groups to partner with (for an idea of campaigns we've done in the past: https://coalitionagainstmodernslavery.org/action-library). 2) attending weekly meetings with the coalition leadership team (around 30 min). Should be proficient in engaging social media use/communications.

    Seeking motivated, detail-oriented, and dedicated individual to serve as the campaign lead for the International Coalition Against Modern Slavery. Must have demonstrated understanding of forced labor and other forms of human trafficking. Must also have nonprofit and/or organizing/activism experience. Survivor leaders and youth are encouraged and welcome to apply. Expected to be able to commit to 5-8 hours of work per week. Responsibilities 1) organizing campaigns for coalition members to be involved in, for example: creating and distributing educational materials, curating action items, facilitating virtual panels and discussions, reaching out to other groups to partner with (for an idea of campaigns we've done in the past: https://coalitionagainstmodernslavery.org/action-library). 2) attending weekly meetings with the coalition leadership team (around 30 min). Should be proficient in engaging social media use/communications.


    Voluntário pode estar em qualquer lugar do mundo
    Local Associado
    Washington, DC, USA

    Inscreva-se: Voluntariado

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    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.