Volunteer Opportunity

Volunteer in Uganda in your student vacation, work break or gap year!

Virtual, Voluntários precisam estar em Washington, US

  • Detalhes

    Data de Início:
    dezembro 28, 2024, 6:44 PM GMT+3
    Data de término:
    março 27, 2025, 2:10 PM GMT+3
    Horário:Dias da semana (diurno, noturno)
    Comprometimento de Tempo:Part time (10-30 hrs/wk)
    Área de foco:Criança & Adolescente, Desenvolvimento Comunitário, Mulheres
    Treinamento incluído
    Hospedagem disponível
    Apoio de linguagem/cultura disponível
    Aceitamos grupos
    Aceitamos famílias
    Acesso a Cadeirante
    Aceitamos Voluntários Estrangeiros


    Volunteer in Uganda in your student vacation, work break or gap year!

    In Uganda, Africa as volunteers teaching disadvantaged children. See Me smile Uganda is looking for enthusiastic and ambitious volunteers to join them in any of the following activities:

    Child care, teaching, playing games with their children, feed their children, outdoor

    activities and games,Music training and choreography, prepare food, physical education, renovation of buildings and the like.

    In this rural slum of students, mostly orphans or vulnerable groups, poverty and hunger, they do not get proper care,so the staff to bring their concerns, for they are happy and wonderful.Students here about 4 to 16 years old, need to give their teaching include: English, mathematics, science, social, artistic and other courses,

    Volunteers do not need to have a license or an experienced, caring only hope you and enthusiastic welcome international volunteers who participate for group registration.

    First semester: January to March; The second semester: May to July; the third semester: September to November,

    There is a short holiday in April, August, December, during which volunteers can rest, engage in tourism activities,

    Time: less than three months (10 hours over one week,weekday morning,

    afternoon, evening, there will be a fixed timetable)

    Start and end dates: May 10, 2019 ­ Dec, 2019 Location: Buyala Budondo

    Jinja, Mutai Ibungu Road, Jinja, E.Africa, Po Box 1340 jinja, Uganda

    If you are interested to learn more, you can write to them through their facebook page https://web.facebook.com/pg/See-Me-Smile-Uganda-459006834274423/posts/?ref=page_internal

    Or Email them on seemesmileug@gmail.com

    See Me Smile Uganda, organization is a community based charity organization founded in the year 2014 in Budondo sub county by a group of five (5) indigenous citizens, majority of whom are youths having seen a service delivery gap towards children, youths and widows. Several organizations have and continue to undertake different interventions focused at socioeconomic standards of specific sub-groups which might majorly be influenced by donor conditionality. Based on an establishment as a youths platform, focused at talent and skills development, the founders were challenged to advance their efforts to supplement the efforts of the government and partner organizations towards socioeconomic sustainability and spread the gospel of a clean environment and focused citizenry. Sporting activities, music, dance and drama, as well as environmental justice is crucial areas of their interventions. Recognizes as non-profit, voluntary, development-oriented organization operating in pursuit of national development goals. The belief that ‘talking’ to the poor and needy will help them improve their livelihood must be grounded in the implicit belief that ignorance is a major cause of poverty and unhappiness. So, See Me Smile takes responsibility to addresses these issues.


    A vibrant centre of excellence which transforms vulnerable children, widows and young people into responsible members of society able to contribute to the development of their own community

    In Uganda, Africa as volunteers teaching disadvantaged children. See Me smile Uganda is looking for enthusiastic and ambitious volunteers to join them in any of the following activities:

    Child care, teaching, playing games with their children, feed their children, outdoor

    activities and games,Music training and choreography, prepare food, physical education, renovation of buildings and the like.

    In this rural slum of students, mostly orphans or vulnerable groups, poverty and hunger, they do not get proper care,so the staff to bring their concerns, for they are happy and wonderful.Students here about 4 to 16 years old, need to give their teaching include: English, mathematics, science, social, artistic and other courses,

    Volunteers do not need to have a license or an experienced, caring only hope you and enthusiastic welcome international volunteers who participate for group registration.

    First semester: January to March; The second semester: May to July; the…


    Voluntário precisa estar em Washington, US
    Local Associado
    Jinja-Budondo Rd, Jinja, Uganda

    Inscreva-se: Volunteer Opportunity


    Health Requirements: Volunteers must take anti-malaria pills.

    Equipment/Clothing: Suitable clothes for hot/rainy climate.

    Insurance: Volunteer's responsibility.

    Selection and support

    Interview: No interviews.

    Disabled Policy: We can accept volunteers with a disability depending on the disability.

    Todos os campos são obrigatórios
    Eu estou ciente que o uso do Assistente de Recrutamento (ATS) do Idealist está condicionado à Política de Privacidade e Termos de Serviço .

    Descubra a sua Vocação

    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.