Volunteer Opportunity

Client Transportation Scheduler

Virtual, O voluntário precisa estar em ou próximo de Gaithersburg, MD

  • Detalhes

    Data de Início:
    dezembro 26, 2024, 8:00 PM GMT-5
    Data de término:
    janeiro 1, 2026, 12:00 AM GMT-5
    Horário:Dias da semana (diurno, noturno)
    Comprometimento de Tempo:A few hours per month
    Área de foco:Pobreza
    Treinamento incluído


    Check voicemail line for messages left by our clients who are Gaithersburg seniors and adults with disabilities in need of transportation to medical and social service appointments in the local area and home. Client Transportation Schedulers connect clients with drivers via their requests.

    A background/MVA check will be performed.

    General duties include:

    • Call into voicemail system to take client requests from the voicemail system, and return phone calls to confirm details of the requested ride.
    • Enter data into established database for clients doctor’s appointment information for each ride request.
    • Communicate with drivers via professional email account and/or call them to find an available volunteer driver to drive the clients to their appointments, and occasionally to pick up their medications after their doctor’s appointments before taking them back home.

    Requirements for Volunteer Schedulers

    Our volunteer Schedulers:

    • Must be 18 years of age or older
    • Must have a background in good standing
    • Since Schedulers use their own computer from home, a well working one would be required and can be either a desktop or laptop

    Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18

    We need volunteers who are free: Weekdays

    Check voicemail line for messages left by our clients who are Gaithersburg seniors and adults with disabilities in need of transportation to medical and social service appointments in the local area and home. Client Transportation Schedulers connect clients with drivers via their requests.

    A background/MVA check will be performed.

    General duties include:

    • Call into voicemail system to take client requests from the voicemail system, and return phone calls to confirm details of the requested ride.
    • Enter data into established database for clients doctor’s appointment information for each ride request.
    • Communicate with drivers via professional email account and/or call them to find an available volunteer driver to drive the clients to their appointments, and occasionally to pick up their medications after their doctor’s appointments before taking them back home.

    Requirements for Volunteer Schedulers

    Our volunteer Schedulers:

    • Must be 18 years…


    O voluntário precisa estar em ou próximo de Gaithersburg, MD
    Local Associado
    Gaithersburg, MD, USA

    Inscreva-se: Volunteer Opportunity


    Contact person: Volunteer Coordinator, Call: 301-216-2510 Box 6, Email: volunteer@gaithersburghelp.org, and/or learn more about this program at http://www.gaithersburghelp.org/volunteer/call-center-support. When ready to apply, click “Volunteer Application” or go to www.gaithersburghelp.org/volunteer-application and follow the directions.

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