
outreach and development associate (mental health)

Virtual, Voluntários precisam estar em Estados Unidos

  • Detalhes

    Agendar:Dias da semana (diurno, noturno), Fins de semana (diurno, noturno)
    Comprometimento de Tempo:Algumas horas por mês


    The NAMI Greater Boston Peer Support and Adovcacy Network (PSAN) https://namiboston.org/peer-san/ seeks an outreach and development associate

    who will work closely with PSAN and MBRLC.org co-founder Howard D. Trachtman, BS, CPS, CPRP, COAPS, a nationally recognized mental health advocate.

    Cliff notes: We are planning on going to organizations in person or virtually to educate people on the mental health peer movement.

    Below is a full job description that was originally drafted long before COVID.

    These are the various components of the position, you need not be expert in all areas.

    Mr. Trachtman is willing to mentor suitable candidates in peer support and/or advocacy.

    Email him at hdt@namiboston.org or call (781) 642-0368.

    As almost all of our members identify as being in recovery from mental health and/or

    addictions the ideal candidate would being willing to disclose their personal experience with mental health

    and/or addictions treatment.

    Outreach and Development Associate Job Description

    • not everyone will need to do all roles

    Visit in person or communicate with other organizations to promote the peer movement and PSAN

    Help staff PSAN information table at conferences and events

    Maintain database of NAMI PSAN members and verify accuracy of NAMI's database

    Recruit new PSAN members and renew lapsing members

    Maintain NAMI literature and help distribute to community

    Check PSAN voice mail/email and respond to information/referral and other calls

    Provide peer support as needed

    Communicate with existing PSAN members via phone, email and US mail

    Help with PSAN newsletter

    Prepare for NAMI Walk in May and ongoing fund-raising

    Help coordinate legislative advocacy if desired

    Provide input on updating website

    Liaison with PSAN Advisory board

    Help organize PSAN social events

    Assist with computer class as needed

    Identify needed office supplies


    IN OUR OWN VOICE presenter or willing to take free training

    NAMI Connection group facilitator or willing to take free training

    PEER to PEER mentor or willing to take training

    Howard D. Trachtman, BS, CPS, CPRP, COAPS

    co-founder and President Emeritus

    NAMI Greater Boston Peer Support and Advocacy Network

    776 Main Street #541481

    Waltham, MA 02454-5448

    [Waltham address but core activities in Boston].


    Home/Office (781) 642-0368 (1ST NUMBER TO CALL)

    Cell (603) 820-4591


    pronouns: He/Him/His

    Is your NAMI membership up to date?

    JOIN or RENEW here:


    please choose Greater Boston Peer Support and Advocacy Network (PSAN) as the affiliate

    The NAMI Greater Boston Peer Support and Adovcacy Network (PSAN) https://namiboston.org/peer-san/ seeks an outreach and development associate

    who will work closely with PSAN and MBRLC.org co-founder Howard D. Trachtman, BS, CPS, CPRP, COAPS, a nationally recognized mental health advocate.

    Cliff notes: We are planning on going to organizations in person or virtually to educate people on the mental health peer movement.

    Below is a full job description that was originally drafted long before COVID.

    These are the various components of the position, you need not be expert in all areas.

    Mr. Trachtman is willing to mentor suitable candidates in peer support and/or advocacy.

    Email him at hdt@namiboston.org or call (781) 642-0368.

    As almost all of our members identify as being in recovery from mental health and/or

    addictions the ideal candidate would being willing to disclose their personal experience with mental health

    and/or addictions treatment.

    Outreach and…


    O voluntário precisa estar em Estados Unidos
    Local Associado
    25 Staniford Street, Boston, MA 02114, United States
    Plaza Level

    Inscreva-se: Voluntariado


    send resume to hdt@namiboston.org

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