Title: Safe
House Cook
Staff Partner: Kitchen Coordinator
Location: WINGS Domestic Violence Safe House, close to Midway Airport.
Time: All appointments are scheduled in advance, but
the timing is very flexible. Most people
come once a week for 2 or 3 hours at a time.
Commitment: Requires a 12-month commitment to volunteer weekly
Additional Requirements:
Completion of the Illinois Food Sanitation Class (WINGS
will cover the cost.)
Completion of the 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training within the first
year (WINGS will provide this training, which is
usually offered 3 times a year.)
Any personal experience with domestic violence
should be more than 2 years prior to applying for this volunteer opportunity.
A commitment to keep the location confidential.
- WINGS operates
a Domestic Violence Safe House that offers short term shelter and services for
women and children seeking immediate help.
We have a capacity of up to 45 people.
There is a large commercial kitchen where only certified food handlers
can prepare food as stated in the food sanitization license, or work along side a food handler already certified.
- Much of
the food comes in from the Greater Chicago Food Depositary or from
donations. Funds for additional ingredients
are available, but limited.
- Volunteer
creates their own recipes. Occasionally
there are clients with specific dietary requirements who need adjustments.
- To remain in good communication regarding available
ingredients and advance purchase of additional items for menu items, the cook
and the family advocate schedule a call or email at the beginning of the week.
You enjoy cooking!
You are creative in menu planning and would be able
to think of substitutions when some items are unavailable.
You are a good communicator and able to plan your
schedule in advance.
You feel good when you are helping others.
You feel comfortable working with people in a
diverse environment in regards to social-economic status, race, ethnicity,
sexual orientation and religion.
You are non-judgmental
about why families are in a situation where they need help
Title: Safe
House Cook
Staff Partner: Kitchen Coordinator
Location: WINGS Domestic Violence Safe House, close to Midway Airport.
Time: All appointments are scheduled in advance, but
the timing is very flexible. Most people
come once a week for 2 or 3 hours at a time.
Commitment: Requires a 12-month commitment to volunteer weekly
Additional Requirements:
Completion of the Illinois Food Sanitation Class (WINGS
will cover the cost.)
Completion of the 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training within the first
year (WINGS will provide this training, which is
usually offered 3 times a year.)
Any personal experience with domestic violence
should be more than 2 years prior to applying for this volunteer opportunity.
A commitment to keep the location confidential.
- WINGS operates
a Domestic Violence Safe House that offers short term shelter and services for
women and children seeking immediate help.
We have a capacity of up to 45 people.
There is a large commercial…