
Animal Caretaker

Presencial, O voluntário precisa estar em ou próximo de Nowata, OK

  • Detalhes

    Agendar:Dias da semana (diurno, noturno), Fins de semana (diurno)
    Comprometimento de Tempo:Algumas horas por mês
    Área de foco:Proteção aos animais


    Animal Caretaker

    A fun, unique way to work with animals! Beagle Freedom Project has closed down an animal testing laboratory in Nowata, Oklahoma and started renovations turning it into an animal rehab, sanctuary and education center. Meet animal testing survivors and help them learn and adjust to what life should really be like for them. Teach them to walk on leashes, play with toys, help clean up, feed, train and more!

    Feel free to sign up for weekends, weekdays or evenings, a few hours a week or month. Once you apply, we will be in touch!

    A fun, unique way to work with animals! Beagle Freedom Project has closed down an animal testing laboratory in Nowata, Oklahoma and started renovations turning it into an animal rehab, sanctuary and education center. Meet animal testing survivors and help them learn and adjust to what life should really be like for them. Teach them to walk on leashes, play with toys, help clean up, feed, train and more!

    Feel free to sign up for weekends, weekdays or evenings, a few hours a week or month. Once you apply, we will be in touch!



    Freedom Fields

    Nowata, OK 74048, USA

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