
Hitting The Wall Chapter Leader

Virtual, Em qualquer lugar no mundo.

  • Detalhes

    Agendar:Dias da semana (diurno, noturno)
    Comprometimento de Tempo:Algumas horas por semana
    Área de foco:Esportes & Recreação, Mulheres
    Aceitamos Voluntários Estrangeiros


    Hitting The Wall Chapter Leader

    Hey! We are Hitting The Wall, an organization dedicated to providing resources for teen-girl endurance athletes. We are so happy that you have an interest in becoming a chapter leader. 

    Chapter leaders will be on our Website and Instagram, receive monthly commissions for their work and connect with elite athletes + internship opportunities


    - High school/college female athlete

    - Passionate about women's sports

    Fill out this form if you're interested in being a Chapter Leader! Questions: email info.hittingthewall@gmail.com 

    What are Chapter Leader Responsibilities?

    (1) host monthly events for their school (club meetings, etc)

    (2) support and promote the HTW podcast and Instagram 

    (3) recruit new members

    Hey! We are Hitting The Wall, an organization dedicated to providing resources for teen-girl endurance athletes. We are so happy that you have an interest in becoming a chapter leader. 

    Chapter leaders will be on our Website and Instagram, receive monthly commissions for their work and connect with elite athletes + internship opportunities


    - High school/college female athlete

    - Passionate about women's sports

    Fill out this form if you're interested in being a Chapter Leader! Questions: email info.hittingthewall@gmail.com 

    What are Chapter Leader Responsibilities?

    (1) host monthly events for their school (club meetings, etc)

    (2) support and promote the HTW podcast and Instagram 

    (3) recruit new members


    Voluntário pode estar em qualquer lugar do mundo
    Local Associado
    San Francisco, CA, USA

    Inscreva-se: Voluntariado


    Please fill out every question to the best of your abilities, and don't forget to attach a headshot as well.

    Remember, this is just the first step of the application process, be prepared for an interview with a member of our team later on!

    Todos os campos são obrigatórios
    Escolha um arquivo ou arraste-o para cá
    Nenhum arquivo foi escolhido (tamanho máximo: 10 MB)
    Eu estou ciente que o uso do Assistente de Recrutamento (ATS) do Idealist está condicionado à Política de Privacidade e Termos de Serviço .

    Descubra a sua Vocação

    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.