ONG (Setor Social)

Bella View Farm Animal Sanctuary

  • Sobre Nós

    Our mission is to provide sanctuary to those needing extra care due to deformities or life changing injuries. We believe in bringing awareness to the fact that just because they are disabled doesn't mean they are any less deserving to live a full and happy life.

    Animals that are severely handicapped, needing 24/7 care, that would otherwise not have a chance of life. These are the souls that are welcomed with kindness and compassion to our sanctuary to live out the rest of their days. We not only give them a happy life, but a quality of life that is filled with love. It's amazing to watch these beautiful souls heal and live life when the right care and environment is provided for them.

    Our mission is to provide sanctuary to those needing extra care due to deformities or life changing injuries. We believe in bringing awareness to the fact that just because they are disabled doesn't mean they are any less deserving to live a full and happy life.

    Animals that are severely handicapped, needing 24/7 care, that would otherwise not have a chance of life. These are the souls that are welcomed with kindness and compassion to our sanctuary to live out the rest of their days. We not only give them a happy life, but a quality of life that is filled with love. It's amazing to watch these beautiful souls heal and live life when the right care and environment is provided for them.

    Áreas Temáticas incluem

    Localização & Contato

    Anúncios de Bella View Farm Animal Sanctuary

    VoluntariadoLocalizaçãoData Publicada
    Love Animals? Volunteer!Franklin, NC15 de maio de 2024

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