ONG (Setor Social)

Eco Volunteer Program Coordinator Internship

Presencial, O trabalho pode ser executado em ou perto de Dharamshala, HP, Índia

  • Detalhes

    Benefícios do Estágio:Créditos Acadêmicos
    Tipo de Pagamento:Bolsa-auxílio
    Horas Por Semana:40 hours per week


    We are currently recruiting for a dynamic and creative individual for our Program Coordinator position. This position is a people oriented job, involving the development and implementation of various volunteer and travel packages in northern India. This position involves coordinating volunteer groups, partnership organizations, developing and implementing marketing strategies and the ability to understand client needs. The Program Coordinator manages the entire Eco Volunteer Travel program, working closely with an executive team of other partner Coordinators and Directors. This position requires a commitment of at least 6 months, but an ideal candidate will apply for a compensatory fellowship position of 2 years.

    If you love to travel and contribute to communities through volunteering, then this position is for you! To apply send your CV and resume to

    The Program Coordinator of Eco Volunteer Travel is an exciting, creative and dynamic role that combines coordination and management of volunteers, marketing and PR and grassroot development work! It is a totally unique opportunity to be part of exciting and meaningful travel adventures, whilst at the same time contributing to the empowerment and sustainable development of the communities with which you work and stay.

    You will be given freedom and autonomy to work in your own creative way to implement and develop your unique ideas. Through the journey you will gain invaluable skills in leadership, tourism, sustainable development, marketing, volunteer management and coordination – a truly unique opportunity!

    What You Will Learn:

    • How to create a long term implementation plan and marketing strategies.
    • Relationship building with our volunteers, partners and online applicants
    • Create compelling and meaningful programs that build the capacity of local communities
    • Plenty of additional opportunities in related projects.

    What We Require:

    • Background in Marketing, Communication, Tourism, non-profit management or other related discipline.
    • Strong communication skills.
    • Ability to support and manage individual or group volunteers
    • Proficient in Microsoft Suite Office.
    • Organized, with an ability to prioritize time-sensitive assignments.
    • Creativity and flexibility.
    • Interest in nonprofit management and community development.

    We value all of our interns and go the extra mile to make sure you receive a learning experience that fits your career goals. You will also learn how to work in a professional environment and have ample opportunity to network with various organisations and other professionals in the non-profit, tourism and marketing field.

    We are currently recruiting for a dynamic and creative individual for our Program Coordinator position. This position is a people oriented job, involving the development and implementation of various volunteer and travel packages in northern India. This position involves coordinating volunteer groups, partnership organizations, developing and implementing marketing strategies and the ability to understand client needs. The Program Coordinator manages the entire Eco Volunteer Travel program, working closely with an executive team of other partner Coordinators and Directors. This position requires a commitment of at least 6 months, but an ideal candidate will apply for a compensatory fellowship position of 2 years.

    If you love to travel and contribute to communities through volunteering, then this position is for you! To apply send your CV and resume to

    The Program Coordinator of Eco Volunteer Travel is an exciting…


    Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, India

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    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.