Admitted attorney sought to become part of a team of lawyers who represent unionized city employees in civil matters covered by Teamsters Local 237 Legal Services Plan. Staff Attorneys have cases involving landlord/tenant disputes, real estate, wills, domestic relations including family and matrimonial law, bankruptcy and consumer issues. Attorneys advise and counsel clients, conduct intakes, engage in motion practice, author court petitions and pleadings, handle residential real estate transactions, and advocate for clients at trials and proceedings in Federal Bankruptcy Court and New York Supreme, Civil, Housing and Family Courts.
Ability to handle a fast-paced, high-volume environment, along with strong organizational, legal, and interpersonal skill a must. Must be willing to travel frequently to the various courts throughout the city and outlying counties. Ideal candidate will be self-motivated and excited to do this work. A commitment to public service is required and fluency in Spanish a plus. Salary range $83,000-$130-000 commensurate with experience. Excellent benefits include medical, prescription and dental plans and a non-contributory pension.
Send resume and cover letter to: Jennifer E. Hudson, Director, at Teamsters Local 237 LSP, 216 W. 14th St., NY, NY 10011
Admitted attorney sought to become part of a team of lawyers who represent unionized city employees in civil matters covered by Teamsters Local 237 Legal Services Plan. Staff Attorneys have cases involving landlord/tenant disputes, real estate, wills, domestic relations including family and matrimonial law, bankruptcy and consumer issues. Attorneys advise and counsel clients, conduct intakes, engage in motion practice, author court petitions and pleadings, handle residential real estate transactions, and advocate for clients at trials and proceedings in Federal Bankruptcy Court and New York Supreme, Civil, Housing and Family Courts.
Ability to handle a fast-paced, high-volume environment, along with strong organizational, legal, and interpersonal skill a must. Must be willing to travel frequently to the various courts throughout the city and outlying counties. Ideal candidate will be self-motivated and excited to do this work. A commitment to…
Excellent benefits include medical, prescription and dental plans and a non-contributory pension.
Excellent benefits include medical, prescription and dental plans and a non-contributory pension.
Fluency in Spanish a plus
Fluency in Spanish a plus