ONG (Setor Social)

Development Coordinator

Virtual, O trabalho precisa ser executado em California, US

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Meio Horário
    Data de Início:1 de abril de 2025
    Educação:Ensino Superior Requerido
    Nível de Experiência:Intermediário
    Remuneração:USD $28,85 / hour
    Causas:Criança & Adolescente, Família, Fome e Segurança Ambiental, Saúde Mental, Reforma Carcerária, Resolução de Conflitos, Crime & Segurança



    • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience required.
    • Must have experience and a strong understanding of nonprofit organizations, including fundraising, grant writing, and grant compliance.

    Job Description:

    The Development Coordinator is responsible for supporting grant and contract compliance to ensure the successful execution of programs. This role focuses on strengthening the organization's infrastructure through capacity-building strategies and other methods aimed at promoting long-term sustainability.

    Key responsibilities include:

    • Grant and Contract Management:
      • Facilitate the development, writing, and submission of grants and Letters of Inquiry (LOIs).
      • Maintain a comprehensive calendar of upcoming grants, contracts, and networking opportunities.
      • Ensure compliance with all grant and contract requirements, including timely submission of reports.
    • Data Interpretation and Reporting:
      • Collaborate with Resilient administration to interpret data narratives.
      • Prepare and facilitate the submission of monthly, quarterly, and annual reports.
    • Compliance and Correspondence:
      • Support government compliance processes, including maintaining accurate records and registration with agencies such as SAM.GOV, Charitable Trust, LA County Vendor, and RAMP LA.
      • Ensure all communications related to government correspondence are accurate and timely.
    • Meetings and Trainings:
      • Attend all mandatory meetings, trainings, and conferences.
      • Communicate relevant updates and information to appropriate staff members.

    The Development Coordinator will work closely with the Resilient administration team to support the organization’s growth and sustainability efforts while ensuring compliance with all funding and regulatory requirements.


    • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience required.
    • Must have experience and a strong understanding of nonprofit organizations, including fundraising, grant writing, and grant compliance.

    Job Description:

    The Development Coordinator is responsible for supporting grant and contract compliance to ensure the successful execution of programs. This role focuses on strengthening the organization's infrastructure through capacity-building strategies and other methods aimed at promoting long-term sustainability.

    Key responsibilities include:

    • Grant and Contract Management:
      • Facilitate the development, writing, and submission of grants and Letters of Inquiry (LOIs).
      • Maintain a comprehensive calendar of upcoming grants, contracts, and networking opportunities.
      • Ensure compliance with all grant and contract requirements, including timely submission of reports.
    • Data Interpretation and Reporting:
      • Collaborate with…


    Trabalho deve ser executado em California, US
    Local Associado
    1925 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90026, USA

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