ONG (Setor Social)

Educational Advisor - Full Time - proj/program mgmt, counseling, student engagement

Presencial, O trabalho pode ser executado em ou perto de Burlington, VT

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Tempo Integral
    Data de Início:2 de setembro de 2024
    Compensação:Pelo menos USD $22 / hora
    Salary increases are possible by meeting or exceeding performance expectations or with organization-wide pay increases over time


    • Are you passionate about helping Vermont youth achieve success in their career, family, and community?
    • Have experience in case management, education, or as an adult learner yourself?
    • Have you worked in disenfranchised, historically underserved populations?
    • Looking to join a team who loves their work, a group of veteran colleagues who support you as much as you support your clients?

    About the job:

    Vermont Adult Learning is hiring an educational advisor to work with adult students (16+) as they build skills and pursue their high school diploma through an innovative and personalized learning approach.

    This in-person role at our Burlington learning center involves meeting with students regularly to co-design their personalized education plan, advise them through the inevitable challenges and successes along the path to their diploma, and to ensure they have the transferable skills necessary upon graduation.

    Learn more about Vermont Adult Learning here.

    About you:

    The ideal candidate will be a motivated self-starter who can learn from existing staff members but is also willing to roll up their sleeves, creating partnerships with community schools and agencies, asking for help when needed, and managing multiple priorities and program changes with patience and resilience.

    If you have experience working with youth or adult learners, being an adult learner yourself, coaching or counseling, or other independent case management roles, you might be a great fit!

    About the Company:

    Vermont Adult Learning offers

    • generous paid time off in addition to 11 paid holidays per year
    • medical, dental, vision, flexible spending plan and life insurance
    • 403b retirement plan with up to 4% employer match after 6mos
    • a statewide organization with room for professional growth
    • professional development opportunities
    • organizational commitment to work-life balance and positive work culture

    Job Requirements:

    • Strong technology skills required with the ability to leverage these to enhance student learning
    • Strong interpersonal, oral, and written English communication skills
    • Excellent organizational skills including planning and goal-setting
    • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
    • Candidates should be excited to work with diverse student populations
    • Professional confidentiality is required
    • Experience with alternative educational systems, and/or teaching/advising adult students, and/or students with learning challenges is preferred
    • Experience as an adult education student is desirable
    • Bachelor's degree is desirable; relevant experience or education will be considered
    • Experience with English Language Learning students is desirable
    • Successful national criminal background check and Vermont's Manadated Reporter Law training

    What Next?

    If this is the job for you, send cover letter and resume to

    • Are you passionate about helping Vermont youth achieve success in their career, family, and community?
    • Have experience in case management, education, or as an adult learner yourself?
    • Have you worked in disenfranchised, historically underserved populations?
    • Looking to join a team who loves their work, a group of veteran colleagues who support you as much as you support your clients?

    About the job:

    Vermont Adult Learning is hiring an educational advisor to work with adult students (16+) as they build skills and pursue their high school diploma through an innovative and personalized learning approach.

    This in-person role at our Burlington learning center involves meeting with students regularly to co-design their personalized education plan, advise them through the inevitable challenges and successes along the path to their diploma, and to ensure they have the transferable skills necessary upon graduation.

    Learn more about Vermont Adult Learning…


    Vermont Adult Learning offers:

    • generous paid time off in addition to 11 paid holidays per year
    • medical, dental, vision, flexible spending plan and life insurance
    • 403b retirement plan with up to 4% employer match after 6mos
    • a statewide organization with room for professional growth
    • professional development opportunities
    • organizational commitment to work-life balance and positive work culture

    Vermont Adult Learning offers:

    • generous paid time off in addition to 11 paid holidays per year
    • medical, dental, vision, flexible spending plan and life insurance
    • 403b retirement plan with up to 4% employer match after 6mos
    • a statewide organization with room for professional growth
    • professional development opportunities
    • organizational commitment to work-life balance and positive work culture

    Nível de Proficiência do Idioma

    Strong interpersonal, oral, and written English communication skills are required.

    Program or project management skills with exceptional digital literacy and organizational skills are also required.

    Strong interpersonal, oral, and written English communication skills are required.

    Program or project management skills with exceptional digital literacy and organizational…


    Burlington, VT, USA

    Inscreva-se: Emprego


    Please email, including resume, cover letter, and full- or part-time availability.

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