ONG (Setor Social)

Become a K-12 teacher with the NYU Teacher Residency - no prior experience required

Presencial, O trabalho pode ser executado em ou perto de New York, NY

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Tempo Integral
    Educação:Ensino Superior Requerido
    Salário:USD $30.000 - $60.000 / year
    Salary varies by school and location; more info here:
    Área de foco:Criança & Adolescente, Educação, Deficiência, Família, Desenvolvimento Comunitário


    NYU Steinhardt, in partnership with charter schools and public school districts across New York City, upstate NY, Washington D.C., and Rhode Island is seeking talented, committed, and diverse prospective secondary content specialists in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Special Education to participate in an immersive, leading-edge teacher preparation program, the NYU Teacher Residency. In just one year, residency participants earn a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) taught by the world-renowned Steinhardt faculty, while simultaneously gaining real-world classroom experience working alongside an experienced mentor teacher.

    Upon successful completion of the program, eligible participants often receive preferential hiring in their placement schools or networks as full-time teachers and make a commitment to teach for at least two additional years.

    Why Apply? You’ll acquire valuable classroom experience in a middle or high school as you study to become a certified English, Math, Social Studies, Science, or Special Education teacher.

    Program features include:

    • Our full-day residency partners across the country pay yearly stipends ranging from $30,000 - $60,000
    • Innovative curriculum developed and taught virtually by NYU Steinhardt faculty
    • Supportive learning communities with fellow residents and teaching mentors
    • Regular feedback and coaching on your teaching in one-on-one and small group sessions with NYU Steinhardt faculty
    • Scholarship support for eligible students

    Who Can Apply? College graduates with a strong academic grounding in the content they wish to teach are encouraged to apply. Our content specialties are Math, English, Science, Social Studies, and Special Education. Unsure if you qualify to teach a subject? We can help you understand your eligibility! While no previous teaching experience or education coursework is necessary, a commitment to social justice and a strong belief that every child deserves a great education is required.

    How Does the Application Work? After passing initial faculty review, academically-admitted candidates are invited to explore PT and FT roles with our partner schools. Based on preferences of candidates, these roles are available as both paid and unpaid. Applicants are provided salary and benefit information to help them choose where they would like to potentially interview. NYU Steinhardt generally does not place students into schools; candidates enter into hiring processes with schools and if they find an acceptable role, they can commit to the position and complete their enrollment in the program for the current cohort.

    • * Monthly Application Deadlines February through April 2025

    Begin your application here:

    By clicking "Apply", I consent to be contacted via telephone (including a cell phone, if provided), email, and / or text message.

    NYU Steinhardt, in partnership with charter schools and public school districts across New York City, upstate NY, Washington D.C., and Rhode Island is seeking talented, committed, and diverse prospective secondary content specialists in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Special Education to participate in an immersive, leading-edge teacher preparation program, the NYU Teacher Residency. In just one year, residency participants earn a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) taught by the world-renowned Steinhardt faculty, while simultaneously gaining real-world classroom experience working alongside an experienced mentor teacher.

    Upon successful completion of the program, eligible participants often receive preferential hiring in their placement schools or networks as full-time teachers and make a commitment to teach for at least two additional years.

    Why Apply? You’ll acquire valuable classroom experience in a middle or high school as you…


    Medical Benefits


    Potential Loan Forgiveness

    Medical Benefits


    Potential Loan Forgiveness


    New York, NY, USA

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