ONG (Setor Social)

Network Director

Virtual, Trabalho pode ser feito em qualquer lugar em Estados Unidos

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Meio Horário
    Tipo de Emprego:Temporário / PJ / Freelance
    Data de Início:13 de janeiro de 2025
    Prazo para Inscrições:1 de janeiro de 2025
    Educação:Ensino Superior Requerido
    Remuneração:USD $20 / hora
    $20/hour, 12-15 hours per week


    Company Description

    At Transform Network, our mission is to resource, train, and mobilize people and communities of faith to discern and join what God is already doing in the world with transformational church and social justice. Founded in 2009, we are a 501(c)(3) and seek to recognize new, emerging, and innovative expressions of faith and center marginalized voices.

    We endeavor to hold creative tension. We work to embrace paradox. We see God at work at these intersections. We believe transformation must include action and we look for ways to learn together and take collective action. We make training affordable and accessible to faith and movement communities. We engage in contemplative practices to expand and build our capacity for internal and external transformation. Our theory of change includes practicing mutual liberation and deep solidarity.

    • We Connect To Each Other
    • We Reflect Together
    • We Take Action Together
    • We Learn Together
    • We Practice Together

    Position Overview

    Transform Network is seeking a part-time Network Director to lead the organization’s week-to-week operations, coordinate with team members and contractors to ensure operational health and efficient workflow, and manage week-to-week administrative tasks. The Network Director will often serve as the face and voice of the organization in communications with partners, contractors, and fiscal sponsees, advocating for our mission and embodying our values, and ensuring that the organization continues to resource authentic and culturally diverse work in the world. The ideal candidate will have a deep commitment to social justice, particularly in the intersections of faith and social change.

    Key Responsibilities

    • Reports to: Transform Network’s Operation Team
    • Managing the Board: scheduling quarterly Board meetings and managing the Board’s calendar, communicating with Board members about new developments, internal affairs, and urgent matters, working with the Board Chair to manage general operations
    • Administrative operational support: routinely checking the general email inbox and communicating/distributing important information, monitoring the general phone mailbox, reviewing postal mail and processing mail items, communicating with stakeholders and team members when inquiries and important information are received, communicating with contractors and vendors to ensure that projects are being completed and timelines are met, managing the organizational google calendar, maintaining cloud storage
    • Basic financial operations: maintaining the operational health of the organization by working with and communicating regularly with the finance team. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Monitoring bank accounts and financial statements, scheduling checks to be mailed to team members upon request, troubleshooting basic financial issues, monitoring the payment and reimbursement process to insure integrity, reviewing digital financial records regularly to proactively identify voids and issues.
    • Transform Network Programs: Working with team members, partners and contractors to ensure that the organization’s programs are carried out efficiently and successfully. Responsibilities include but are not limited to monitoring the programming calendar, reporting on upcoming deadlines in meetings, organizing and distributing programming documents to appropriate team members
    • Virtual presence: Attending scheduled meetings and managing minutes through database and online resources, and AI technology


    • This is a fully remote position
    • This is a part-time position with a minimum commitment of 12-15 hours per week, depending on the needs of the organization.
    • The pay rate for this position is $20 per hour.
    • This is a 6 month contract position with TFN, with the opportunity for renewal.
    • As a contract position, TFN will not provide fringe benefits, including health insurance benefits, paid vacation, or any other employee benefit.
    • Position requires reliable phone service, a personal computer, and a secure reliable internet connection


    • Education: Bachelor’s degree, master’s degree preferred
    • Nonprofit, organizational, ministry backgrounds preferred
    • Proven ability to lead and coordinate diverse teams and manage systems of infrastructure
    • Strong financial acumen, including budgeting and financial reporting
    • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to build and maintain relationships with trauma informed care
    • Cultural competencies and experience working with individuals from diverse backgrounds, and geographically across the US South
    • A commitment to social justice and human rights, with a passion for supporting vulnerable populations
    • Knowledge of trauma informed practices

    Company Description

    At Transform Network, our mission is to resource, train, and mobilize people and communities of faith to discern and join what God is already doing in the world with transformational church and social justice. Founded in 2009, we are a 501(c)(3) and seek to recognize new, emerging, and innovative expressions of faith and center marginalized voices.

    We endeavor to hold creative tension. We work to embrace paradox. We see God at work at these intersections. We believe transformation must include action and we look for ways to learn together and take collective action. We make training affordable and accessible to faith and movement communities. We engage in contemplative practices to expand and build our capacity for internal and external transformation. Our theory of change includes practicing mutual liberation and deep solidarity.

    • We Connect To Each Other
    • We Reflect Together
    • We Take Action Together
    • We Learn Together
    • We Practice…


    As a contract position, TFN will not provide fringe benefits, including health insurance benefits, paid vacation, or any other employee benefits.

    As a contract position, TFN will not provide fringe benefits, including health insurance benefits, paid vacation, or any other employee benefits.


    Trabalho deve ser executado em qualquer lugar em Estados Unidos
    Local Associado
    Charlotte, NC, USA

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