ONG (Setor Social)

Case Manager / Mentor

Presencial, O trabalho pode ser executado em ou perto de Los Angeles, CA

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Tempo Integral
    Data de Início:1 de abril de 2025
    Educação:Diploma de Ensino Médio Requerido
    Nível de Experiência:Recém formado
    Remuneração:USD $29 / hour
    Causas:Família, Reforma Carcerária, Mulheres, Homens, Criança & Adolescente, Resolução de Conflitos, Crime & Segurança


    Case Manager shall maintain a maximum caseload ratio of 10 cases.

    Case Manager shall conduct an Intake Assessment during enrollment and create an individualized care plan for each youth participant tailored to their unique needs.

    Reassessments and updates to the individualized care plan shall be conducted every six (6) months to ensure consistency of care.

    Case Manager shall maintain ongoing contact with youth participants and keep active participants on caseload for a target duration of 6 to 12 months. Youth participants who require additional support may have services extended with prior written approval.

    Case Manager shall maintain a minimum of two contacts per week for each youth participant, one of which shall be in person. The duration of each contact will vary depending on the youth participant’s needs. Additionally, the Case Manager shall document each interaction and the duration of the contact in the case notes and update care plans regularly based on progress.

    Employment and Education Pathways

    The Case Manager shall connect youth to employment and education pathway resources. Youth shall only be discharged from the program once they are gainfully employed or are on the path to gainful employment through enrollment in an educational or vocational program.

    Reentry Navigation and Supports

    The Case Manager shall provide linkage to reentry supportive services to youth participants. These services may include but not be limited to:Substance use and mental health treatments; Housing resources Maintenance of social service benefits and other reentry supportive service supports; Family counseling and parenting education; Financial literacy education; Legal support; Accompaniment to appointments (including court dates if applicable).

    Case Manager shall maintain a maximum caseload ratio of 10 cases.

    Case Manager shall conduct an Intake Assessment during enrollment and create an individualized care plan for each youth participant tailored to their unique needs.

    Reassessments and updates to the individualized care plan shall be conducted every six (6) months to ensure consistency of care.

    Case Manager shall maintain ongoing contact with youth participants and keep active participants on caseload for a target duration of 6 to 12 months. Youth participants who require additional support may have services extended with prior written approval.

    Case Manager shall maintain a minimum of two contacts per week for each youth participant, one of which shall be in person. The duration of each contact will vary depending on the youth participant’s needs. Additionally, the Case Manager shall document each interaction and the duration of the contact in the case notes and update care plans…


    1925 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90026, USA

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