ONG (Setor Social)

Executive Director

Presencial, O trabalho pode ser executado em ou perto de Franklin, MA

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Tempo Integral
    Prazo para Inscrições:28 de fevereiro de 2025
    Salário:USD $120.000 - $135.000 / year
    Área de foco:Desenvolvimento Comunitário, Moradia & Moradores de Rua, Pobreza


    The Franklin Housing Authority (FHA) seeks an experienced and innovative housing administrator to lead and manage its programs, properties, and contracts. The FHA owns and operates 161 units of state-aided elderly/handicapped public housing, 4 units of state-aided Congregate, 33 units of state-aided family housing, two 8-unit disabled group homes and 5 units of other programs. The FHA manages a nearby small housing authority with 84 state units.

    Required Minimum Qualifications: A minimum of four (4) years’ experience in housing management, community development, public administration, or a closely related field; knowledge of the principles and practices of housing management, finances, and maintenance systems in public and private housing; excellent written and verbal communication skills; knowledge of laws regulating State and Federal housing programs; clearly demonstrated management and organization skills, and; experience working collaboratively with community leaders, other housing organizations, and people of various socio-economic backgrounds. Certification as a Public Housing Manager from a HUD/EOHLC approved accrediting organization is desired or must be obtained within one year of employment. The successful candidate must be able to pass a criminal background check prior to final selection.

    The annual salary starting range is $120,000 to $135,000 per year depending upon experience, certifications, and in accordance with the EOHLC Executive Director Salary Schedule/Calculation worksheet. The work week is 37.5 hrs. per week and includes a generous benefit portfolio.

    Candidates should apply in confidence by submitting a cover letter and resume to MassNAHRO, 990 Washington Street, Suite 209, Dedham, MA 02026, ATTN: Franklin E.D. Search or email

    For a complete job description go to:

    Managing agent respondents should submit a proposal to that same address.

    Closing date is close of business on February 28, 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted.

    The FHA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All applicants will receive consideration for employment based on their experience and qualifications and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, disability, age, veteran status, economic status, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin.

    The Franklin Housing Authority (FHA) seeks an experienced and innovative housing administrator to lead and manage its programs, properties, and contracts. The FHA owns and operates 161 units of state-aided elderly/handicapped public housing, 4 units of state-aided Congregate, 33 units of state-aided family housing, two 8-unit disabled group homes and 5 units of other programs. The FHA manages a nearby small housing authority with 84 state units.

    Required Minimum Qualifications: A minimum of four (4) years’ experience in housing management, community development, public administration, or a closely related field; knowledge of the principles and practices of housing management, finances, and maintenance systems in public and private housing; excellent written and verbal communication skills; knowledge of laws regulating State and Federal housing programs; clearly demonstrated management and organization skills, and; experience working…


    Franklin, MA 02038, USA

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