Swift sports organization/Swift superladies netball club has organized a program which is going to help on upcoming coaches who are targeting coaching school clubs,national clubs, university clubs,local clubs.
This program is calling on interns to participate in theory and practical activities at ground.
We shall use Kazo sports center; we shall different coaches and interns plus professional coaches as far as Uganda is concern via netball game.
The organization will certificate, accommodate and also provide maid for anything needed.
It's going to a great experience, knowledge, adventure,skills and fun. We shall have touring to sports and culture sites in Uganda during weekends.
Swift sports organization/Swift superladies netball club has organized a program which is going to help on upcoming coaches who are targeting coaching school clubs,national clubs, university clubs,local clubs.
This program is calling on interns to participate in theory and practical activities at ground.
We shall use Kazo sports center; we shall different coaches and interns plus professional coaches as far as Uganda is concern via netball game.
The organization will certificate, accommodate and also provide maid for anything needed.
It's going to a great experience, knowledge, adventure,skills and fun. We shall have touring to sports and culture sites in Uganda during weekends.
Applicants can send in their resume through email address: ssuperladies@gmail.com
She or he must be in sports development, administration and only the best applicant will receive our reply.
Applicants can send in their resume through email address: ssuperladies@gmail.com
She or he must be in sports development, administration and only the best applicant will receive…