We are visiting villages located along Thai-Myanmar border to care for the Myanmar war refugees, victims and displaced people fleeing the present on going Myanmar civil war between the civilians and the Myanmar military government and its regime.
As we give free medical treatment and care for the war victims and refugees, we move around and between the villages where Myanmar war victims and refugees are staying on and along Thai-Myanmar border. We stay 2-3 days in each village as it is needed.
Most of these villages are located in the middle of nowhere; up in the hills, in the valley, and on the plain along Thai-Myanmar border. We move around villages for about 5-7 days at one time before we get back to our base camp in Chiang Rai town to get more supplies and reloads.
Funding and Budget:
As the is an absolute free will-humanitarian project, individual funding or donation of any amount for medical supplies purchase is advised.
Type of volunteers:
Any one can volunteers despite your religion, background and education.
But we strongly welcome nurses, doctors, midwifes and all the medical background people and medical professional of any field.
Minimum commitment is 5-7 days
Security Concern: It is safe since we are on Thai soil, villages on Thailand. We are not crossing into Myanmar villages. Myanmar War refugees are on Thai soil, that's where we are visiting.
We are visiting villages located along Thai-Myanmar border to care for the Myanmar war refugees, victims and displaced people fleeing the present on going Myanmar civil war between the civilians and the Myanmar military government and its regime.
As we give free medical treatment and care for the war victims and refugees, we move around and between the villages where Myanmar war victims and refugees are staying on and along Thai-Myanmar border. We stay 2-3 days in each village as it is needed.
Most of these villages are located in the middle of nowhere; up in the hills, in the valley, and on the plain along Thai-Myanmar border. We move around villages for about 5-7 days at one time before we get back to our base camp in Chiang Rai town to get more supplies and reloads.
Funding and Budget:
As the is an absolute free will-humanitarian project, individual funding or donation of any amount for medical supplies purchase is advised.
Type of volunteers…