Oportunidad de Voluntariado

Volunteer for Nature at Folkstone Park

Presencial, La persona voluntaria debe estar en o cerca de Ann Arbor, MI

  • Descripción

    3 de noviembre de 2024
    9:00 - 12:00 GMT-5
    Horario:Fines de semana
    Flexibilidad:Unas horas
    Frecuencia:Una única vez
    Formación incluida
    Aceptamos Grupos
    Aceptamos Familias
    Aceptamos Voluntarios Internacionales


    Volunteer for Nature at Folkstone Park

    Register at: https://NAP.a2gov.org/A2Folkstone

    Come to Folkstone to see one of the most underrated native shrubs in our landscape—bladdernut. This tall shrub with striped bark likes it shady and moist. In spring, bladdernut blossoms with hanging clusters of white tubular flowers that smell a little like vanilla custard. Then the “bladders” appear as green, papery, inflated seed capsules which mature over the summer and persist into winter. Let's remove invasive shrubs to keep the habitat healthy at Folkstone—for the bladdernut shrubs and all the organisms that depend on them. Meet at the park entrance at the north end of Folkstone Ct. Volunteers will use hand tools to cut small-to-medium shrubs. Workday sites have unpaved trails and require going off-trail.

    Preregister through VolunteerHub so NAP can plan on enough staff and supplies for a safe and successful event. For your safety, wear long pants, tall socks, and closed-toe shoes. All minors should be accompanied by a guardian. More information: How to prepare for a NAP workday (PDF).

    Register at: https://NAP.a2gov.org/A2Folkstone

    Come to Folkstone to see one of the most underrated native shrubs in our landscape—bladdernut. This tall shrub with striped bark likes it shady and moist. In spring, bladdernut blossoms with hanging clusters of white tubular flowers that smell a little like vanilla custard. Then the “bladders” appear as green, papery, inflated seed capsules which mature over the summer and persist into winter. Let's remove invasive shrubs to keep the habitat healthy at Folkstone—for the bladdernut shrubs and all the organisms that depend on them. Meet at the park entrance at the north end of Folkstone Ct. Volunteers will use hand tools to cut small-to-medium shrubs. Workday sites have unpaved trails and require going off-trail.

    Preregister through VolunteerHub so NAP can plan on enough staff and supplies for a safe and successful event. For your safety, wear long pants, tall socks, and closed-toe shoes. All…



    Folkstone Park

    Ann Arbor, MI, USA
    ¿Cómo llegar?

    Meet at the park entrance at the north end of Folkstone Ct.

    Cómo aplicar


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