The Denver Beepball Group makes beep baseball equipment. They provide all the Beepballs, bases, and other equipment for teams of blind beepball players to participate in a unique and exhilarating sport. Teams across America compete in local, regional, and national contests culminating in the World Series. But, we have to keep them supplied with specially modified beeping softballs and bases. We need your help!
The Denver Beepball Group makes beep baseball equipment. They provide all the Beepballs, bases, and other equipment for teams of blind beepball players to participate in a unique and exhilarating sport. Teams across America compete in local, regional, and national contests culminating in the World Series. But, we have to keep them supplied with specially modified beeping softballs and bases. We need your help!
Complete our application, and we will contact you with additional information.
Complete our application, and we will contact you with additional information.