Help keep our historic gardens looking their finest and open to our community! Join us for a community gardening and clean-up days, rain or shine. Help pick up trash and debris, tidy our gardens, gather sticks and branches, rake leaves, bag up sticks and leaves, and plant historic and indigenous plants and bulbs.
Individuals, families, friends, and community groups are welcome to participate!
Community groups: we welcome your club, school, neighborhood association, church/house of worship, or organization to sponsor one of our Garden or Clean-up Days! We are happy to provide certificates of appreciation and social media coverage of your sponsorship. Sponsorships can include monetary donations, donations of supplies, and/or a group of volunteers from your organization helping for a given event.
Friday Garden Days: 9:30-11:30 am (first and third Fridays): focus on light gardening (planting, mulching, weeding, thinning plants). Gardeners of all abilities welcome. We welcome those new to gardening and can provide training.
Saturdays Clean-up Days 9:30-11:30 am (first and third Saturdays): focus on grounds, trash-pick up, stick-pick up, light raking. All abilities welcome.
You can learn more and sign up via our website:
Help keep our historic gardens looking their finest and open to our community! Join us for a community gardening and clean-up days, rain or shine. Help pick up trash and debris, tidy our gardens, gather sticks and branches, rake leaves, bag up sticks and leaves, and plant historic and indigenous plants and bulbs.
Individuals, families, friends, and community groups are welcome to participate!
Community groups: we welcome your club, school, neighborhood association, church/house of worship, or organization to sponsor one of our Garden or Clean-up Days! We are happy to provide certificates of appreciation and social media coverage of your sponsorship. Sponsorships can include monetary donations, donations of supplies, and/or a group of volunteers from your organization helping for a given event.
Friday Garden Days: 9:30-11:30 am (first and third Fridays): focus on light gardening (planting, mulching, weeding, thinning plants). Gardeners of all abilities…