The Public Interest Network operates and supports organizations committed to a shared vision of a better world and a strategic approach to social change. With more than a dozen organizations — Environment America, PIRG, Green Corps and more — we’re winning positive social change for the environment and the public interest.
Our work focuses on the problems that arise from America’s single-minded pursuit of endless economic growth. We’re still burning fossil fuels, even though it’s changing the climate. We keep giving antibiotics to healthy livestock, even though it’s creating antibiotic-resistant “superbugs.” We use plastic products for just a few minutes only to throw them away, where they pollute the ocean for centuries.
We have a 21st-century vision of how to solve these problems. If it inspires you, and you share our pragmatic approach to achieving it, then we want to talk to you.
The Public Interest Network operates and supports organizations committed to a shared vision of a better world and a strategic approach to social change. With more than a dozen organizations — Environment America, PIRG, Green Corps and more — we’re winning positive social change for the environment and the public interest.
Our work focuses on the problems that arise from America’s single-minded pursuit of endless economic growth. We’re still burning fossil fuels, even though it’s changing the climate. We keep giving antibiotics to healthy livestock, even though it’s creating antibiotic-resistant “superbugs.” We use plastic products for just a few minutes only to throw them away, where they pollute the ocean for centuries.
We have a 21st-century vision of how to solve these problems. If it inspires you, and you share our pragmatic approach to achieving it, then we want to talk to you.
Assistant Editor | Boston, MA | Publicado hace 2 días |
Digital Developer | Denver, CO | Publicado hace 2 días |
Administrator | Chicago, IL | Publicado hace 2 días |
Deputy Director for Community Action Works | Boston, MA | Publicado hace 9 días |
Content writer | Boston, MA | Publicado hace 9 días |
Community Action Works Organizer | Amherst, MA | Publicado hace 16 días |
Community Action Works Organizer | Boston, MA | Publicado hace 16 días |
Deputy Editor | Boston, MA | Publicado hace 16 días |
Grantwriter | Los Angeles, CA | Publicado hace 23 días |
Administrator | Denver, CO | Publicado hace 23 días |