Volunteers needed at Heart to Heart Hospice. Volunteers offer companionship to our patients. Schedule is flexible.
Volunteers needed at Heart to Heart Hospice. Volunteers offer companionship to our patients. Schedule is flexible.
Muncie Volunteers Needed for Weekly Visits. | Muncie, IN | Publicado hace 26 días |
Are You a Veteran? Veteran Pinning's and Visits for Hospice | Muncie, IN | Publicado hace 26 días |
Caregiver Relief/Companionship Visits | Marion, IN | Publicado hace 26 días |
Office Volunteer - Marion, IN | Marion, IN | Publicado hace 26 días |
Hospice Volunteer | Selma, IN | Publicado hace 26 días |
Visit the Lonely | Marion, IN | Publicado hace 26 días |
"A life not lived for others is not a life" - Mother Teresa | Matthews, IN | Publicado hace 26 días |
Help keep the music playing for seniors in Muncie! | Muncie, IN | Publicado hace 26 días |
We Honor Our Veterans | Marion, IN | Publicado hace 26 días |
No One Dies Alone | Marion, IN | Publicado hace 1 mes |