The Broadcasters Foundation of America (BFOA) is a 501 (c)(3) not for profit organization that provides monthly and emergency grants to broadcasters across the country who are in acute need. The BFOA is seeking a part-time accountant / bookkeeper to facilitate the accounting and finance functions for the organization. The position works under the supervision of the VP Finance for approximately 1 day per week, with possibly more time required during the fiscal year end and during the year-end audit process.
Key Job Responsibilities
Job Requirements
The Broadcasters Foundation of America (BFOA) is a 501 (c)(3) not for profit organization that provides monthly and emergency grants to broadcasters across the country who are in acute need. The BFOA is seeking a part-time accountant / bookkeeper to facilitate the accounting and finance functions for the organization. The position works under the supervision of the VP Finance for approximately 1 day per week, with possibly more time required during the fiscal year end and during the year-end audit process.
Key Job Responsibilities