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Take time to put aside the rush and stress of this transitional time of year and soak up some nature at Kuebler Langford Nature Area. You’ll provide stress-relief to some prairie plants by getting pesky invasive shrubs out of their way. Volunteers with Natural Area Preservation (NAP) have found that nature stewardship can be straightforward and quite effective at bringing a sense of accomplishment and giving back to nature and the community. Cut down some shrubs and cut down on stress! Meet at the park entrance on Beechwood Dr, north of Sunset Rd. Volunteers will use hand tools to cut small-to-medium shrubs. Workday sites have unpaved trails and require going off-trail.
Preregister through VolunteerHub so NAP can plan on enough staff and supplies for a safe and successful event. For your safety, wear long pants, tall socks, and closed-toe shoes. All minors should be accompanied by a guardian. More information: How to prepare for a NAP workday (PDF).
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Take time to put aside the rush and stress of this transitional time of year and soak up some nature at Kuebler Langford Nature Area. You’ll provide stress-relief to some prairie plants by getting pesky invasive shrubs out of their way. Volunteers with Natural Area Preservation (NAP) have found that nature stewardship can be straightforward and quite effective at bringing a sense of accomplishment and giving back to nature and the community. Cut down some shrubs and cut down on stress! Meet at the park entrance on Beechwood Dr, north of Sunset Rd. Volunteers will use hand tools to cut small-to-medium shrubs. Workday sites have unpaved trails and require going off-trail.
Preregister through VolunteerHub so NAP can plan on enough staff and supplies for a safe and successful event. For your safety, wear long pants, tall socks, and closed-toe shoes. All minors should be accompanied by a guardian. More information: How to…
Meet at the park entrance on Beechwood Dr, north of Sunset Rd.
Please register at:
Please register at: