In 2025, hundreds of bills will be introduced in State Legislatures that limit or expand abortion access and reproductive rights. Despite the importance of these bills, most people cannot pay attention to every action of their State Legislatures, and especially not the actions of their individual representatives. is a resource that makes it easy for people to follow what their individual representative is doing to impact abortion rights in their state.
We are looking for a legal volunteer to work on each of our 8 states throughout their active legislative sessions.
As bills related to abortion or reproductive rights are introduced, we will flag them for you, so that you can craft a simple, 1 sentence explanation of the bill.
Your work will be reviewed by the State Director working on the same state, and together you may collaborate to finalize or simplify language, or answer any questions. (This will happen in our Slack channel)
We are looking for volunteers who are interested in staying involved throughout a state's full legislative session.
Volunteers don't need to live or be barred in the state that they are working on.
States we are looking for:
Kansas (Jan - May)
Michigan (Jan - Dec)
New Hampshire (Jan - July)
North Carolina (Jan - Aug)
Ohio (Jan - Dec)
Pennsylvania (Jan - Dec)
Virginia (Jan - March)
This position has typically been filled by lawyers - though anyone who is confident and comfortable in researching, reading, and interpreting legislation could be a good fit.
In 2025, hundreds of bills will be introduced in State Legislatures that limit or expand abortion access and reproductive rights. Despite the importance of these bills, most people cannot pay attention to every action of their State Legislatures, and especially not the actions of their individual representatives. is a resource that makes it easy for people to follow what their individual representative is doing to impact abortion rights in their state.
We are looking for a legal volunteer to work on each of our 8 states throughout their active legislative sessions.
As bills related to abortion or reproductive rights are introduced, we will flag them for you, so that you can craft a simple, 1 sentence explanation of the bill.
Your work will be reviewed by the State Director working on the same state, and together you may collaborate to finalize or simplify language, or answer any…