Help us build a biodiverse and resilient urban tree canopy! Volunteers will plant large-stock trees into pre-dug holes; this work will include loosening root balls, filling holes with soil, watering, and spreading mulch around newly planted trees. These trees will replace trees lost to emerald ash borer infestation. They will cool and clean the air, provide shade, and beautify the community.
This event is part of the Cooling Minnesota Communities program – an initiative working to mitigate extreme heat, deepen climate resiliency, and increase equitable access to urban tree canopies.
If you're interested sign up to stay in the know and more details will be share closer to the event!
For more information or look in our full event calendar please visit Events Calendar — Great River Greening
Help us build a biodiverse and resilient urban tree canopy! Volunteers will plant large-stock trees into pre-dug holes; this work will include loosening root balls, filling holes with soil, watering, and spreading mulch around newly planted trees. These trees will replace trees lost to emerald ash borer infestation. They will cool and clean the air, provide shade, and beautify the community.
This event is part of the Cooling Minnesota Communities program – an initiative working to mitigate extreme heat, deepen climate resiliency, and increase equitable access to urban tree canopies.