Title: Survivor
Life Line Mentor
Staff Partner: Survivor Life Line Coordinator
Location: This program is located in an undisclosed location in the Chicago
Time: Weekly time requirements will vary and will usually range from 2-5 hours
per month based on a mutually convenient time with your schedule and those of
the mentee.
Commitment: Requesting a commitment to volunteer weekly for at least one (1) year.
- Completion of the 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training (provided by WINGS
three (3) times a year.) and background check.
- Any personal experience with
domestic violence should be more than one (1) year prior to applying for this
volunteer opportunity, with no order of protections.
- Mentors must be a survivor of Intimate Partner Violence.
WINGS Survivor Life Line (SLL) program matches
compassionate SLL Mentors with survivors of intimate partner violence who are
leaving domestic violence shelters and moving into homes and apartments. SLL Mentors will provide empowering services including
budgeting assistance, bridges to eligible community resources and compassionate
may be a good fit for you if:
- You want to use your time and
abilities to be a part of the journey to end domestic violence and empower
- You have good communication
skills and enjoy speaking with others.
- You feel comfortable working
with people in a diverse environment in regards to social-economic status,
race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and religion.
- You are compassionate.
- You have strong personal
Title: Survivor
Life Line Mentor
Staff Partner: Survivor Life Line Coordinator
Location: This program is located in an undisclosed location in the Chicago
Time: Weekly time requirements will vary and will usually range from 2-5 hours
per month based on a mutually convenient time with your schedule and those of
the mentee.
Commitment: Requesting a commitment to volunteer weekly for at least one (1) year.
- Completion of the 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training (provided by WINGS
three (3) times a year.) and background check.
- Any personal experience with
domestic violence should be more than one (1) year prior to applying for this
volunteer opportunity, with no order of protections.
- Mentors must be a survivor of Intimate Partner Violence.
WINGS Survivor Life Line (SLL) program matches
compassionate SLL Mentors with survivors of intimate partner violence who are
leaving domestic violence shelters and moving into homes and…