Encouraging and building a more positive future for Street and Working Children, Young People and especially girls’ participation in lifelong physical activities by developing different ways of getting them interested and involved to bring about sustainability and change in their life for;
Creating a fun, support structure and welcoming experience inclusion
Most youths are ready to defy some of the challenges prevailing in the world today such as unemployment and economic hardship, which has reduced them to the level of desperation. Most of them have given up hopes and have buried their talents and indulge in activities such as drug abuse, prostitution, gansterism and banditry. It can therefore not be argued that idleness breeds crime and other numerous malpractices that can only lead to the destruction of individuals and their communities.
The main focus for this programme is involving all young people of all ages and communities to participate in & through Sport and responding to the drop off in sports participation (Increasing Participation/Whole School/community Impact).
Encouraging and building a more positive future for Street and Working Children, Young People and especially girls’ participation in lifelong physical activities by developing different ways of getting them interested and involved to bring about sustainability and change in their life for;
Creating a fun, support structure and welcoming experience inclusion
Most youths are ready to defy some of the challenges prevailing in the world today such as unemployment and economic hardship, which has reduced them to the level of desperation. Most of them have given up hopes and have buried their talents and indulge in activities such as drug abuse, prostitution, gansterism and banditry. It can therefore not be argued that idleness breeds crime and other numerous malpractices…
Volunteers role will include the following and many more as to when it is demanded;