Table of Contents
Why This Recipe Matters
Nutritional Information
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A photograph of Magdolna R.'s Book on a Bench project in Budapest. A small book is placed on the corner of a brightly-painted bench, which has the words "Budapest" painted along the back.
Image Credit: Magdolna Rózsa

Give your well-loved books another life by anonymously gifting them to neighbors.

Why this recipe matters

Did you know that reading regularly has myriad health benefits? And when you combine that with the proven health impacts of generosity—boosts to mood, self-esteem, and immune system—there are clear advantages for you and for that lucky person who scoops up your book!


  • Gently-used book
  • Notebook paper
  • Sticky notes
  • Thick marker
  • A local bench 😉


Step 1: Select a book that you’d like to give away.

A hand holds up a copy of "My Life on the Road" by Gloria Steinem.

No pressure to give away your number one read, but selecting a book that moved you is a lovely way to go. Make sure to choose a book that is gently used.

Step 2: Write a note to the next reader.

A pink sticky note on the inside cover of an open book.

Think of something you’d like to share with whoever picks up your book. Include why you loved this particular book, how it moved you, or even a suggestion that once they’ve finished reading, they may pay it forward and gift it again!

Step 3: Affix a sticky note to the cover of the book.

A sticky note affixed to the cover of the Gloria Steinem book.

Make sure passersby know that the book is up for grabs by adding a sticky note to the book that says something like “Read me!” or “Pick me up!” in big bold letters.

Step 4: Leave your book on a bench!

Books that have been left on benches.

Time to say goodbye to your book! Find a bench, leave your book, and keep on going.

Nutritional Information

How this recipe has nurtured a community

“Because I love to read books which touch my heart, and I have plenty of them, I thought it would be great to share them with strangers. And after they read that book, they can share it with others."

— Magdolna R., Budapest, Hungary

Finishing Touch

If you’d like to create a more visible and connected community around your book-gifting, consider creating a Facebook group for all of the book-gifters and finders out there.

Simply include the name of the group in your note for the next reader and encourage them to join and share their thoughts on the book.