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Not everyone comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the same way; we’re all on different parts of our journey. We’re hoping that these ideas will spark curiosity, courage, and action on your organization’s path forward.

How to Reduce Bias in Hiring

We all have biases, but the most important thing is what we do with them. Read on to learn more about implicit bias and how to create equitable hiring practices, doing our best to leave our biases at the door.

Starting a DEI Committee

Many of us are eager to “do the work” of being more equitable, but we don’t always know where to begin. Some organizations benefit from a DEI committee to steer this important work, and this article will give you starting points to get you on your way.

Diversity Activities for the Workplace

It is brave to confront what might be uncomfortable and scary––and daunting. With a strong DEI committee, or even a group of ad hoc team members, your organization can use these exercises to guide internal action and thoughtful connections.

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