An illustration of a pencil with graduation caps.

Idealist Grad School Fair attendees are a community of diverse and unique individuals, with interests spanning the social-impact sector.

Attendees include people from all different stages in their careers: professionals, recent college grads, current members and alumni of service corps (such as Peace Corps and AmeriCorps), interns, and current undergraduates.

Grad fair attendees at a glance:

  • 70% are interested in attending grad school within one year
  • 72% have a four-year degree, and 18% already have an advanced degree
  • 71% are employed, and 11% are current students

Idealist is hosting a grad fair in New York City on September 30, 2025

Prospective students can register at our Attendee Registration page. Check out our Exhibitor page for more information about exhibiting.

Have questions or comments? Reach out to us at