How do I add my organization to Idealist?

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We’re so happy to have you join our community! 

Apply to add your organization to Idealist using these steps:

  1. Create an individual user profile. Using an official email address for your organization (e.g. can help speed up the application process. If you don't have one, that's okay! Check our other article for more details about how to sign up.
  2. Check if your organization is already on our site. Our site has been around since 1996, so there’s a chance a previous staff member already added your organization. Try doing a quick search for your organization on our site first before creating a new profile.
  3. If your organization has an existing profile, there's no need to add a new one! Instead, click on the “Become an administrator” button on the left side of the organization’s description.
  4. If your organization isn't yet listed, log in and hover over "Post on Idealist" at the upper left of any page, then click "Add your Organization." You'll be led through the process of registering your organization and creating its public profile. Be as thorough as you can, and be sure to include your website URL, a description of your organization's mission and an EIN if you have one.
  5. Click the "Create and Preview" button once you're ready to submit.

We review all organizations carefully and you’ll hear back from us within 1-2 business days after submitting your application.

*Are you a 501(c)3? If so, you may create and prepay for listings on our site before we've approved you. Learn how to pre-pay for more information.

We look forward to working with your organization! If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to Contact Us.

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