Nonprofit Jobs in the United States and Around the World
With nearly 10,000 jobs at nonprofits, social enterprises, and government agencies around the world, we think we've got a pretty comprehensive database of opportunities. At the same time, we know that many employers search and hire locally, making job boards that focus on particular countries and communities incredibly valuable. To that end, we've put together a list of websites that share job opportunities in different countries and in different states. As always, you can search our site in Spanish and Portuguese.
Jobs posted in multiple countries
- Association for Women's Rights in Development job listings
- Career Nation Many nonprofit jobs in Africa
- Craigslist Search for jobs in the nonprofit sector and within the city or country sub-site you want
- Listings from UN agencies, NGOs, and other international development groups
- DevNetJobs An international mailing list for announcing jobs related to microfinance, poverty alleviation, health, population, natural resource management, agriculture, and economic development
- The Development Executive Group (Devex)
- Eurobrussels Check out the category for NGOs and international organizations
- Haces Falta In Spanish, this site has jobs from Latin America, Spain, and a few African countries
- A database of job vacancies at international organizations
- Large job site for several countries in South and Southeast Asia; see the Social Services specialization in particular
- Museum Jobs International work in museums and galleries
- NGO Box Features job, internship, fellowship and fund information. It focuses on South Asia and South-East Asia
- Pacific Island jobs Lists environmental and sustainability positions in the Oceania region
- ReliefWeb Humanitarian Vacancies Listings from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
- Reuters Foundation Humanitarian and disaster relief positions
- A leading internet higher education job marketplace
- Third Sector Charity jobs all over the United Kingdom, plus an international jobs section
- Total Jobs
- United Nations Office of Human Resources
Country-specific job search resources
Jobs in Australia
- Career One This site has many of charity/welfare jobs all over Australia
-|Ethical jobs and careers in Australia
Jobs in Canada
- Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations
- Charity Village
- For Toronto area jobs, select the "Social Services - Community/Non-profit Organization" job category
- Toronto Jobs Use the nonprofit/charity category to find jobs in Toronto
- WorkCabin Focuses on environmental jobs, internships, and volunteer positions
- Nonprofit jobs located all across Canada
- Workopolis Charity/nonprofit/NGO jobs are intermixed in relevant fields
Jobs in Chile
Jobs in Estonia
Jobs in France
Jobs in Germany
- Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialmarketing Deutscher Fundraising Verband
- Green job opportunities in Germany
- Internships and Workcamps
- Oekojobdatenbank
Jobs in India
Jobs in Ireland
- | (Community Exchange)
- Comhlamh
- Irish Jobs Check out the category for social and nonprofit organizations
Jobs in Slovakia
Jobs in South Africa
Jobs in Switzerland
Jobs in Thailand
Jobs in Uganda
- Uganda Jobline Find a variety of jobs with international humanitarian organizations
Jobs in the United Kingdom
- Acre A CSR, environment, health & safety, and energy recruitment firm.
- Adzuna Jobs and volunteer opportunities in charities.
- AllHousingJobs Dedicated to jobs in the social housing sector in the United Kingdom.
- The Big Issue
- Careers for Leaders Jobs in the for-profit and nonprofit sector
- CareerJet An employment search engine for the United Kingdom.
- Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Library jobs
- CR Search and Selection A nonprofit recruitment agency.
- Education Jobs
- Green jobs, courses, and events.
- Ethical Careers
- Fish 4 Jobs Search for charity jobs
- Goodmoves Jobs in Scotland's voluntary sector
- Guardian Unlimited Jobs in Charities
- Academic, research, and scientific jobs board
- Charity and nonprofit jobs
- JobisJob Has thousands of charity job listings in the United Kingdom
- Job Search UK Do a keyword search for charity
- Nfpjob
- People Unlimited
- Charity and voluntary sector jobs
- Reed Charity jobs
- Voluntary Sector Jobs
Jobs in Vietnam
- Vietnam Works The category for NGO/nonprofit has a variety of jobs
Jobs posted in multiple states in the United States
The following sites offer jobs around the country, often by sector or issue. Keep scrolling down for job sites and directories by state.
- Academic Careers Online
- Americans for the Arts Job Bank
- American Planning Association Job Directory
- American Society of Association Executives Job Listings
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Job Classifieds
- American Zoo and Aquarium Association Positions
- A resource for careers in the visual arts.
- A resource to find comprehensive, up-to-date national listings of jobs, internships, fellowships, and other employment opportunities in the arts.
- Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education
- Association of Science & Technology Centers Job Bank
- Bridgespan
- Chronicle of Higher Education Positions
- Chronicle of Philanthropy Job Listings
- Coalition on Human Needs Job Announcements
- Council for Exceptional Children Professions in Special Education
- Council on Foundations Job Bank
- Jobs from diversity-friendly companies and organizations. Can do a keyword search for nonprofit.
- E Jobs Environmental opportunities in the United States and Canada.
- Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN) Jobs Page Lists employment opportunities within EARN's network
- Energize Inc's Volunteer Management Job Bank Jobs in volunteer management
- Environmental Career Opportunities Jobs in conservation, education, policy, engineering, and more.
- Environmental Organization WebDirectory List of environmental career links
- Openings for executive level positions across the country.
- Feminist Career Center
- Foundation Center's Job Corner Job openings at U.S. foundations and nonprofits.
- Green Dream Job
- Higher Education Jobs
- H-Net Job Guide Positions in history, the humanities, and social sciences, as well as listings in rhetoric and composition.
- Job Opportunities in Fair Housing
- showcases U.S. nonprofit jobs from many sites in one place. where you can also search "nonprofit" as a keyword
- Land Trust Alliance Jobs at Land Trusts
- Midwest Academy: Jobs in Organizing
- National Organizers Alliance
- New York Foundation for the Arts Jobs and Other Opportunities
- NonprofitCareers.Org (Society for Nonprofit Organizations)
- Nonprofit Career Network
- NonProfit Times Classified Ads
- Opportunity Knocks
- Grow Food Volunteer and employment positions in sustainable development.
- National Parks Conservation Association Working for the Parks Department
- onPhilanthropy Job Bank
- Public Health Employment Connection
- Social Services Jobs
- Touchstone Energy Cooperatives A career center site including jobs in rural electric cooperatives across the United States.
- Union Jobs Clearinghouse
- Water Environment Federation Job Bank
State-specific job search resources
The list below includes organizations that serve the nonprofit community in their state, and could help you start your job search in their area. Know of other nonprofit job boards in your area we should include on this list? Please contact us! Thank you!
In addition to these local organizations, several national groups maintain local information that may be of use to job seekers in each state:
- The Foundation Center Cooperating Collections help local nonprofits with funding information and often have job listings as well.
- The United Way often has access to job openings at the wide variety of nonprofits it funds.
- Finally, the AmeriCorps program is a funding mechanism which may give you the opportunity to serve with a nonprofit organization.
- Bay Area Video Coalition
- California Association of Nonprofits
- California Job Journal Nonprofit (and other) jobs in Northern California
- CNRG — pronounced "synergy"
- Mac's List
- Nonprofit Association of Oregon Job Board