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8 Interviewing Tips for When You’re Returning to the Workforce

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Jeannette Eaton

A young woman in white button down speaks to someone sitting across from her while sitting on a couch.

Returning to the job market after a career break can be nerve-wracking, but with the right preparation, you can feel confident going into your first interview.

What strategies have you used to address a career gap during interviews? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!


If you’re looking to jump back into the job search after a career break, you may be dealing with some pre-interview nerves. Maybe you took a break to start a family, address personal health concerns, or care for a family member; no matter the reason, you’ll likely need some extra time to get into the job search groove and brush up on your interviewing skills.The good news is, the interviewer has already seen the career gap on your resume (hopefully!), so there’s no need to beat around the bush. Instead, find time in your preparation process to focus on how you will address that career gap during the interview.

Interviewing tips to help you prep

1. Make a list of any relevant life experiences or skills you developed.

You may not have been on a payroll during your career gap, but chances are your days were still full. List any courses you took, volunteer projects you participated in, and skills you may have grown during this particular period.

If the list is full of personal experiences and family commitments, don’t shy away from mentioning them! You’re a well-rounded person who likely wants your prospective employers to know how you manage work-life balance. Mentioning the days you juggled multiple doctor’s appointments or dealt with stress are important for presenting a full view of your life and the things that matter to you.

Next, consider how to connect this information to the specific duties and skills listed in the job listing. If you took time off to pursue a degree, you may reference a specific project that helped you develop skills in coding, data analytics, marketing, etc. If you and your partner recently had a child, consider mentioning the reality of juggling multiple new tasks and working as a team to care for your newborn.

2. Research the role and organization beforehand.

It’s critical that you do your due diligence. Set aside enough time prior to your interview to learn whatever you can from the organization’s website, past newsletters, press releases, news mentions, and social media presence.

Strive to have an understanding of what may be expected of you in this new role by carefully reviewing the job description. If travel is required, make sure you’re up for it. Same thing with working occasional nights and weekends. The routine of being back at work will look very different from your current routine, and may not offer the same flexibility, so make sure the job is one you actually want.

3. Rehearse the interview with a friend or family member.

While you won’t be able to anticipate every question an interviewer will ask, you can certainly prepare for some! Try coming up with eight questions that may be asked during the interview. Not only will this help you to prepare for the interview, it can also aid you in refining your thinking about the organization and may even bring up new and interesting questions you have about their work (that can be asked at the end of your interview).

Pro Tip: Even before you start applying to jobs, be sure to find out what’s been going on in the field by signing up for newsletters and email alerts to get an overview of current trends or research.

Interviewing tips to build confidence

4. Work with your jitters.

The biggest hurdle when jumping back into the interview game may be figuring out how to boost your confidence. If you’re worried that your skills are a little rusty or that things have changed a bit too much since you were last in an interview, you’ll want to address those feelings head on.

One way to manage anxiety is to think about what you do when you need a boost. Spend a little time before the interview getting grounded and excited. Here are some ways to work out any pre-interview nerves:

  • Go for a run
  • Take a long walk
  • Buy yourself a favorite coffee or meal 
  • Get quiet and centered
  • Strike your power pose

5. Talk to your biggest supporter.

 Whether phoning a friend for five minutes or rehearsing important points to bring up before the interview begins, don’t underestimate the power of having a cheerleader. This person should be able to pump you up in no time, making you feel like the most qualified superstar in the room. Brief them on your resume beforehand, and don’t be afraid to share any past wins or successes with them—they should bring these points up frequently to remind you of just how qualified you are for the role.

Interviewing tips to ace the conversation

6. Wear your favorite professional outfit.

Don’t waste your mental energy rushing around right before you head out the door to your interview. Plan your favorite professional outfit that makes you feel confident. Also, put everything else you need in your car or by the front door for easy grabbing: a pen, notebook, several copies of your resume, etc. Make sure you know how to get to the interview, and arrive half an hour early to avoid being late. You can always bring a book or find a coffee shop if you need to kill some time.

7. Be yourself!

You’ve been invited to interview because the employer sees potential in what you have to offer. Remember that the work you did before your career gap is still relevant, so don’t forget to bring up what you’ve learned in the past. Tell them why you are ready to come back to work and stay focused on where you are today and what you can contribute to this specific organization.

8. Be ready to ask questions.

Prepare questions that challenge the employer to dig a bit deeper about the role and any future work they have planned for it. Skip “What is your timeline for letting candidates know about next steps?” and opt for some of these questions instead:

  • How has this organization changed in the last five years?
  • What does a typical day look like for someone in this position?
  • What does success look like in this position?

The best part of any interview is when you walk out of the room knowing you did your best. Remember that each opportunity you have to sit in front of an interviewer gives you a chance to refine your story and personal brand, so it's always worthwhile.

Jeannette Eaton profile image

Jeannette Eaton

For nearly two decades, Jeannette Eaton has been working for nonprofits and helping people identify their strengths. She has experience as an advocate for women and girls in crisis, a volunteer coordinator for adult literacy, and a family literacy instructor.

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