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10 No Fee Volunteer Programs Abroad

A shirt that says volunteer.

If you want a career in international development, you've likely heard about the importance of volunteering in a different country as a way to break into the field. Not only do you get hands-on experience, you also get to learn more about what it takes to have a career in international development and build your network.

At the same time, it's not only hard to identify great international volunteer opportunities, it is also easy to become discouraged by the fees many organization charge potential volunteers. To help you get started, Devex -- a membership organization that provides business and recruitment support to the international development community -- has put together a fantastic list of no-fee international volunteer programs that will kickstart your career.

Have any others? Add them in the comments!

10 no-fee volunteer programs to kickstart your development career from Devex.

Hat tip to Why Dev for the find!

About The Author | Allison Jones is a Former Editor and Creator of Idealist Careers, a publication of Follow me on Twitter @ajlovesya.

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