Publicado há 4 meses

Climate Ambassadors

Virtual, Em qualquer lugar no mundo.

  • Detalhes

    Data de Início:
    julho 1, 2024, 8:00 AM GMT+3
    Data de término:
    setembro 2, 2024, 11:59 PM GMT+3
    Agendar:Dias da semana
    Comprometimento de Tempo:Meio horário (10 a 30 horas por semana)
    Custo:Taxa de Participação: $200


    Path to Empowerment works with the local communities in Northern Uganda to empower the community members through education, economic empowerment and on climate justice and climate change adaptation.

    Path to Empowerment is looking for climate change volunteers to perform the following roles:

    1. Advocacy and Awareness. Volunteers can advocate for policies and practices that mitigate climate change and raise awareness about its impacts on local communities and ecosystems. They may organize events, campaigns, and educational workshops to engage the public and policymakers and farmers.
    2. Community Engagement. Volunteers can engage with communities to promote sustainable living and farming practices. They may collaborate with local organizations to implement community-based climate adaptation and resilience initiatives.
    3. Environmental Restoration. Volunteers can contribute to environmental restoration efforts, such as habitat restoration, and reforestation projects. They may help restore degraded ecosystems and protect vulnerable species from the impacts of climate change.
    4. Capacity Building. Volunteers can support capacity-building initiatives to enhance community resilience to climate change. They may provide training and technical assistance to local organizations, government agencies, and community leaders on climate adaptation, disaster preparedness, and sustainable development.
    5. Youth Engagement. Volunteers can empower young people to become climate leaders and advocates. They may mentor youth-led climate action groups, organize youth summits and conferences, and facilitate environmental education programs in schools and communities.

    Volunteers from any field of studies and passionate about climate change and adaptation strategies can apply

    Path to Empowerment works with the local communities in Northern Uganda to empower the community members through education, economic empowerment and on climate justice and climate change adaptation.

    Path to Empowerment is looking for climate change volunteers to perform the following roles:

    1. Advocacy and Awareness. Volunteers can advocate for policies and practices that mitigate climate change and raise awareness about its impacts on local communities and ecosystems. They may organize events, campaigns, and educational workshops to engage the public and policymakers and farmers.
    2. Community Engagement. Volunteers can engage with communities to promote sustainable living and farming practices. They may collaborate with local organizations to implement community-based climate adaptation and resilience initiatives.
    3. Environmental Restoration. Volunteers can contribute to environmental restoration efforts, such as habitat…


    Voluntário pode estar em qualquer lugar do mundo
    Local Associado
    Commercial Road, Gulu, Northern Region None, Uganda

    Inscreva-se: Voluntariado

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    Descubra a sua Vocação

    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.