Publicado há 4 meses

Remote Volunteer Manager

Virtual, Voluntários precisam estar em Estados Unidos

  • Detalhes

    Agendar:Dias da semana
    Comprometimento de Tempo:Algumas horas por semana


    Looking for someone to commit 5 hours per week.

    The Volunteer Manager is responsible for developing and implementing the Bianca Modo Foundation's volunteer engagement strategy, with a focus on recruiting, training, and retaining a diverse and dedicated corps of volunteers who support the organization's mission and programs. This includes developing volunteer position descriptions, conducting outreach and recruitment, and providing ongoing support and recognition to volunteers.

    Key Activities:

    • Develop and implement a comprehensive volunteer engagement strategy that aligns with the organization's mission and values and prioritizes the safety, well-being, and empowerment of survivors and volunteers
    • Develop and maintain volunteer position descriptions that clearly outline roles, responsibilities, and qualifications, and ensure that all volunteer opportunities are meaningful, impactful, and aligned with the organization's values
    • Conduct outreach and recruitment to attract a diverse and skilled pool of volunteers, including survivors, students, professionals, and community members
    • Develop and implement volunteer orientation, training, and ongoing education programs that equip volunteers with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to effectively serve the organization and its clients
    • Provide ongoing support, supervision, and recognition to volunteers, including regular check-ins, performance evaluations, and appreciation events and activities

    Looking for someone to commit 5 hours per week.

    The Volunteer Manager is responsible for developing and implementing the Bianca Modo Foundation's volunteer engagement strategy, with a focus on recruiting, training, and retaining a diverse and dedicated corps of volunteers who support the organization's mission and programs. This includes developing volunteer position descriptions, conducting outreach and recruitment, and providing ongoing support and recognition to volunteers.

    Key Activities:

    • Develop and implement a comprehensive volunteer engagement strategy that aligns with the organization's mission and values and prioritizes the safety, well-being, and empowerment of survivors and volunteers
    • Develop and maintain volunteer position descriptions that clearly outline roles, responsibilities, and qualifications, and ensure that all volunteer opportunities are meaningful, impactful, and aligned with the organization's values…


    O voluntário precisa estar em Estados Unidos
    Local Associado
    Atlanta, GA, USA

    Inscreva-se: Voluntariado


    Please submit a resume that includes management or team leadership experience.

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    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.