Publicado há 1 mês

Physiotherapy Volunteering Work in Nepal

Presencial, O voluntário precisa estar em ou próximo de Kathmandu, Nepal

  • Detalhes

    Agendar:Dias da semana
    Comprometimento de Tempo:Tempo integral (mais de 30 horas por semana)
    Custo:Taxa de Participação
    Treinamento incluído
    Hospedagem disponível
    Apoio de linguagem/cultura disponível
    Aceitamos grupos
    Aceitamos famílias
    Aceitamos Voluntários Estrangeiros


    Physiotherapy Volunteering Work in Nepal

    Physiotherapy occupational therapy program for those practising or aspiring to practice physiotherapy/ medicine, this internship is an incredible opportunity, which will help you appreciate the challenges faced in developing countries around medical care. As a physiotherapy volunteer/intern, you will shadow registered physiotherapists and may take part in physio sessions for adults and children, depending on prior experience and skills. The majority of work will be observation-based (unless already qualified), which allows a great opportunity to gain valuable firsthand knowledge, giving your resume that extra advantage.

    We can offer physiotherapy occupational therapy placements to suit volunteers of all levels of experience, so whether you are an aspiring physiotherapist or a qualified professional we will be happy to provide you with placement and we will tailor your role based upon your background.

    Volunteers with less experience will work alongside a local physiotherapist and will have the opportunity to learn through observing and helping out in practical ways. Those with more experience and qualifications will be able to play a more active role and may even be given their own patients to treat.


    Physiotherapy occupational therapy program for those practising or aspiring to practice physiotherapy/ medicine, this internship is an incredible opportunity, which will help you appreciate the challenges faced in developing countries around medical care. As a physiotherapy volunteer/intern, you will shadow registered physiotherapists and may take part in physio sessions for adults and children, depending on prior experience and skills. The majority of work will be observation-based (unless already qualified), which allows a great opportunity to gain valuable firsthand knowledge, giving your resume that extra advantage.

    We can offer physiotherapy occupational therapy placements to suit volunteers of all levels of experience, so whether you are an aspiring physiotherapist or a qualified professional we will be happy to provide you with placement and we will tailor your role based upon your background.

    Volunteers with less experience…


    Sinamangal, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal

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