
Program fellow

Virtual, Em qualquer lugar no mundo.

  • Detalhes

    Agendar:Dias da semana
    Comprometimento de Tempo:Algumas horas por semana


    We are currently seeking motivated, passionate, hard working individuals

    to join us as Potential Energy Program Fellows in a wide range of areas. Fellows may choose

    which aspects of work they would like to contribute to, and whether they can work remotely,

    or join us in Uganda. We tailor the program to the fellows, to make it as relevant as possible.

    About Us: Founded in 2007, Potential Energy is a social enterprise based out of Kampala,

    Uganda that works to increase the adoption of improved cookstoves in developing countries, to

    alleviate poverty and protect the environment.

    Background on the Problem:

    Cooking on inefficient, traditional open fires is the leading environmental cause of death in the

    world. Preparing 3 meals a day over an open fire – a common practice in the developing world

    – is the equivalent of smoking 200 cigarettes, every single day. Yet, 3 billion people cook their

    daily meals over an open fire, creating pollution that kills 4.3 million people each year.

    Traditional fires waste fuel, contribute to deforestation, release carbon into the atmosphere,

    and waste money and time. In Sub-Saharan Africa, it is not uncommon for families to spend a

    large portion of their income – sometimes up to 30%, on cooking fuel, perpetuating the cycle of


    Impact to date: Distributed 48,500 cookstoves in Africa impacting the lives of 291,000 people,

    saving 727,500 tons of carbon, $17 million in firewood expenses, and 1,824 hours.

    We are currently seeking motivated, passionate, hard working individuals

    to join us as Potential Energy Program Fellows in a wide range of areas. Fellows may choose

    which aspects of work they would like to contribute to, and whether they can work remotely,

    or join us in Uganda. We tailor the program to the fellows, to make it as relevant as possible.

    About Us: Founded in 2007, Potential Energy is a social enterprise based out of Kampala,

    Uganda that works to increase the adoption of improved cookstoves in developing countries, to

    alleviate poverty and protect the environment.

    Background on the Problem:

    Cooking on inefficient, traditional open fires is the leading environmental cause of death in the

    world. Preparing 3 meals a day over an open fire – a common practice in the developing world

    – is the equivalent of smoking 200 cigarettes, every single day. Yet, 3 billion people cook their

    daily meals over an open fire, creating pollution that kills 4.3 million people each…


    Voluntário pode estar em qualquer lugar do mundo
    Local Associado
    2323 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612, United States
    Impact Hub

    Inscreva-se: Voluntariado

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