
Make A Difference In Your Community!

Híbrido, O voluntário precisa estar em ou próximo de Houma, LA

  • Detalhes

    Agendar:Dias da semana
    Comprometimento de Tempo:Algumas horas por semana
    Treinamento incluído
    Aceitamos grupos
    Aceitamos famílias
    Acesso a Cadeirante
    Aceitamos Voluntários Estrangeiros


    Disaster Cycle Services:

    On average, the American Red Cross responds to approximately 64,000 disasters a year, with about 50,000 being single and multi-family fires and other localized events. These incidents are attended to by the Red Cross Disaster Action Teams (DAT), who offer immediate assistance to victims, predominantly those affected by house fires, providing essential resources like shelter, food, and clothing, as well as emotional support.

    In recovery, volunteers assist clients and their families in navigating the process of finding a "new normal" after a disaster, often involving the loss of everything, and requiring assistance such as spiritual care and financial aid. We invite you to join our Disaster Action Team in Louisiana and make a meaningful impact in the lives of those affected by disasters.

    In preparedness, volunteers save lives and prevent injuries by providing free education to community members by working with paid and volunteer staff and following program guidance.

    Service To The Armed Forces:

    The Red Cross helps members of the military, veterans and their families prepare for, cope with, and respond to, the challenges of military service. We, alongside our volunteers, provide home comforts and critical services on bases and in military hospitals around the world, support military families during deployments and emergencies, and continue serving our nation’s veterans after their service ends.

    Volunteer Services:

    The role involves specializing in Youth Engagement, Group Partnerships, Individual Recruitment, or Intake Process, and assisting in the implementation of the regional volunteer recruitment plan. This includes performing various volunteer recruitment activities aimed at attracting a skilled, talented, and diverse workforce to serve in all lines of business within the organization.


    The Louisiana Red Cross communications team shows the public how Red Crossers make a difference in their communities and how anyone can get involved to support the mission. We have several volunteer positions open -- on the front lines and behind the scenes -- as we focus on writing stories, producing videos, taking pictures, talking with media outlets, and sharing our stories on social media.

    Fund Development:

    On average, the American Red Cross responds to approximately 64,000 disasters a year. Of these, about 50,000 are single and multi-family fires and other localized events. Some clients have lost everything and need a place to stay, spiritual care, financial assistance, among many other resources. Without the generosity of our donors, we would not have these resources available. Volunteers on this team will assist in grant writing and helping us thank our donors.


    Assist in the administrative activities of American Red Cross operations department. Volunteers in this role help the Operations Team maintain the fleet and facilities for the American Red Cross of Louisiana.

    To apply, please go to RedCross.org/Louisiana or e-mail LouisianaVolServices@redcross.org

    Disaster Cycle Services:

    On average, the American Red Cross responds to approximately 64,000 disasters a year, with about 50,000 being single and multi-family fires and other localized events. These incidents are attended to by the Red Cross Disaster Action Teams (DAT), who offer immediate assistance to victims, predominantly those affected by house fires, providing essential resources like shelter, food, and clothing, as well as emotional support.

    In recovery, volunteers assist clients and their families in navigating the process of finding a "new normal" after a disaster, often involving the loss of everything, and requiring assistance such as spiritual care and financial aid. We invite you to join our Disaster Action Team in Louisiana and make a meaningful impact in the lives of those affected by disasters.

    In preparedness, volunteers save lives and prevent injuries by providing free education to community members by working with paid and volunteer…


    O voluntário precisa estar em ou próximo de Houma, LA

    Terrebonne Parish

    Houma, LA, USA

    Como se inscrever


    Descubra a sua Vocação

    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.