Publicado há 4 meses

VOLUNTEER FOR BETTER COMMUNITY. help people in the community to live sustainable life and have a better future.

Presencial, O voluntário precisa estar em ou próximo de Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County, Quênia

  • Detalhes

    Agendar:Dias da semana
    Comprometimento de Tempo:Meio horário (10 a 30 horas por semana)
    Hospedagem disponível
    Apoio de linguagem/cultura disponível
    Aceitamos grupos
    Aceitamos famílias
    Acesso a Cadeirante
    Aceitamos Voluntários Estrangeiros


    VOLUNTEER FOR BETTER COMMUNITY. help people in the community to live sustainable life and have a better future.

    Umoja Foundation Group is a registered community based organization in the Republic of Kenya.The organization offers services to local and it seeks to empower and promote exchange of ideas experience and practice among individuals and all involved in development initiatives in target regions of Uasin gishu and Western part of Kenya.


    To build a stronger community through encouraging volunteer service and helping vulnerable children and families to live a sustainable life.


    To empower families/community to live better lives economically, socially and spiritually.


    • To promote education to the marginalized community ie boy girl child, orphans, handicapped and other disadvantaged groups
    • To reduce school dropout, drug and substance abuse.
    • To promote environmental friendly and economical viable farming methods which ensure practices for sustainability.
    • To increase the local people capacities, knowledge and education skills for enhancing and shaping their lives
    • To initiate viable community development projects.
    • Build a stronger community through volunteer service.
    • Support disadvantaged children, persons with disability the aged and other marginalized group to live a sustainable life.
    • To empower youth, women, PLWHAS, different abled persons to initiate small scale enterprise for poverty reduction and thus improve their living conditions.
    • Network and collaborate with other stakeholders.


    Alone we can do so little, together we can do much. Joining our volunteer program there is much we can do together hashtag support vulnerable children, families and community.

    Volunteering in Umoja Foundation Group.

    Volunteer pay a very important role at Umoja Foundation Group, initiating wonderful skills and energy to our organization making difference to the lives of many.At Umoja Foundation Group we understand the international volunteer program as a method of awareness and learning to break down typecast and prejudiced ideas collaborating directly with the local project,in a respectful way working as a team dialoguing and internalizing the ways of doing the local culture, the volunteer becomes an agent of Change upon their return.To this we look for passionate, committed people, willing to learn, open minded with critical vision and who want to collaborate from humility, empathy and with ease of adaptation to change.We are a project that is founded, maintained and advances all year round with motivated workers in the area who are observing some problems present in their society, decide to take action to change it. Consequently the work of volunteers in the field focuses on support and reinforcement tasks to those currently being developed.The main purpose is to know about their reality and accept the difference, breaking apart with ethnocentric vision so common in western culture. Umoja Foundation Group proposes volunteering as a means for people to broaden their vision so that when they return they can continue to work on their day to day basis to fight against global structural inequality.

    Current Volunteer work and expectations.

    We seek volunteers who are passionate, committed people and willing to deliver.

    Teaching: volunteers will be teaching English, Maths, Science, computer and any other subjects/languages he/she wishes to teach in our partner schools nearby. NB you don't have to be a qualified teacher to participate in this program.

    OVC'S program: volunteer will join us to support vulnerable children with school based materials and other compliments.

    School Aid Education:volunteers to join us visit schools for health talks on HIV AIDS, STD'S, early pregnancy among others to pupils and students.

    Environment program: since the organization has many environmental activities volunteer to join us in planting of trees along river banks, public places and cleaning markets.

    Jigger control: many disadvantaged children, different abled persons,the aged are infected with jiggers, volunteers to join us in controlling of jiggers in the community.

    Medical: medical volunteers to our partnering health facilities and offer their services in their field of profession and as per the Ministry of Health guidelines.

    water and sanitation: volunteers to support in provision of clean water to the community to save lives of people and animals.

    Agriculture: The organization focuses on economic and environmental sustainability.We work both with livestock and small scale farmers to increase food security and production.The volunteers to introduce local farmers to techniques that prevent soil erosion introduce new skills on organic farming.Volunteers studying agriculture management are highly needed for our community.volunteer to help in:

    • construction of greenhouse and farming management to increase output.
    • Introduction to new skills on organic farming.
    • crop maintainance
    • Provision of best artificial insemination breeds.
    • Planting crops like garlic, tomatoes, onions, maize, millet among other crops.

    Community work:volunteers will get involved in work we do in the community.

    Office work: volunteer to join us in our day to day chores.

    Photograph and filming.

    Social media and website management.


    Volunteer will get more skills and experience as they work with us and the community.Volunteers will be awarded with a certificate of completion and recommendation letters and gifts as they leave. We Kenyans are friendly and volunteers will get cultural exchange,as they interact with the locals.

    what to do free time

    During free time volunteers will have time to visit some of the interesting places of attraction nearby:

    River Nzoia waterfall:with a cool down fall and cold mist breeze,water diversions plus an Island with a climbing land towards the river.

    Sango hills: three stones with a flat surface on top with a cool breeze well aerial view of our nearby town, cherengani hills and Mt Elgon National park.

    Mt Elgon National park: It is a nice place to visit while volunteering in Umoja Foundation Group and Kenya in general.It has a wide range of animals you will get to see Elephant at the north side of the park, water back, the zebras, Impala, blue monkey, baboon among others.There also exist the Koibos hot water spring of about 40 degrees Celsius, the caves and hundred types of tree species.


    Umoja Foundation Group has a permanent house with a rest room equipped with a flat LED TV, laptop, internet, toilet, bathroom, and a latrine,water,24 hours electric power with a powered generator for backup.volunteers will be provided with a spotlight in case of blackouts.well fenced compound and security lights.

    Umoja Foundation Group is a registered community based organization in the Republic of Kenya.The organization offers services to local and it seeks to empower and promote exchange of ideas experience and practice among individuals and all involved in development initiatives in target regions of Uasin gishu and Western part of Kenya.


    To build a stronger community through encouraging volunteer service and helping vulnerable children and families to live a sustainable life.


    To empower families/community to live better lives economically, socially and spiritually.


    • To promote education to the marginalized community ie boy girl child, orphans, handicapped and other disadvantaged groups
    • To reduce school dropout, drug and substance abuse.
    • To promote environmental friendly and economical viable farming methods which ensure practices for sustainability.
    • To increase the local people capacities, knowledge and…




    Matunda Cl, Eldoret, Kenya

    About 1hour and 30 minutes from Moi International Airport Eldoret to Matunda town

    Inscreva-se: Voluntariado


    If you feel identified with our way of seeing volunteering and want to become a field Umoja Foundation Group volunteer do not hesitate to drop us an email foundationumoja@gmail.com or groupumojafoundation@gmail.com

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    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.