Publicado há 4 meses

Year-Round Volunteers (Hybrid & Remote)

Híbrido, Voluntários precisam estar em Georgia, US

  • Detalhes

    Agendar:Fins de semana
    Comprometimento de Tempo:Algumas horas por semana


    Looking for volunteers to commit 5 hours per week (Weekends and/or weekdays).

    Year-Round Volunteers are dedicated individuals who commit to serving the Bianca Modo Foundation on a regular and ongoing basis, providing critical support to the organization's programs, events, and initiatives.

    Volunteers may serve in a variety of roles, including as mentors, tutors, fundraisers, event support, and administrative support, depending on their skills, interests, and availability.

    Key Activities:

    • Provide ongoing support to the organization's programs and initiatives, including serving as mentors, tutors, or advocates for survivors, assisting with fundraising and awareness-raising campaigns, and providing administrative and operational support
    • Attend regular volunteer meetings, training sessions, and events to stay informed about the organization's work, build skills and knowledge, and connect with other volunteers and staff
    • Represent the organization in the community and serve as ambassadors for its mission and values, including sharing information about the organization's work and impact with friends, family, and colleagues
    • Provide feedback and suggestions for improving the volunteer experience and the organization's programs and services, and actively participate in volunteer recognition and appreciation activities

    Looking for volunteers to commit 5 hours per week (Weekends and/or weekdays).

    Year-Round Volunteers are dedicated individuals who commit to serving the Bianca Modo Foundation on a regular and ongoing basis, providing critical support to the organization's programs, events, and initiatives.

    Volunteers may serve in a variety of roles, including as mentors, tutors, fundraisers, event support, and administrative support, depending on their skills, interests, and availability.

    Key Activities:

    • Provide ongoing support to the organization's programs and initiatives, including serving as mentors, tutors, or advocates for survivors, assisting with fundraising and awareness-raising campaigns, and providing administrative and operational support
    • Attend regular volunteer meetings, training sessions, and events to stay informed about the organization's work, build skills and knowledge, and connect with other volunteers and staff
    • Represent the organization…


    Voluntário precisa estar em Georgia, US
    Atlanta, GA, USA

    Inscreva-se: Voluntariado

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    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.