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Make Pet Toys for Shelter Animals

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    Make Pet Toys for Shelter Animals

    Project Canis is a new nonprofit organization started by students at the University of Florida to ensure that every shelter animal has a toy. ​Project Canis helps cats and dogs in Florida shelters by making and donating pet toys made from recycled materials. Many animal shelters struggle to get donations and are not financially able to provide toys, which are essential to animals' emotional and physical well-being.

    Anyone can participate in Project Canis by sending in toys they made individually or as a service project with their organization. We have three toy designs: the braid, the plushie, and the crunch that can be made easily with recycled materials such as old t-shirts and plastic water bottles. Making the toys is super easy and fun, and participating in Project Canis is a great way for organizations to give back to the community.

    To volunteer with Project Canis, all you have to do is use our easy toy-making instructions found here: https://www.projectcanis.org/volunteer.html

    Once you have made your toys, you can mail them to us, and we will mail you back a free sticker! If you want a record of your service hours or if you instead donate your toys to a local shelter, please email us at theprojectcanis@gmail.com with the number of toys you made and where you donated them.

    Follow us @theprojectcanis on Facebook and Instagram, and send in your own toy-making photos to be featured!

    Project Canis is a new nonprofit organization started by students at the University of Florida to ensure that every shelter animal has a toy. ​Project Canis helps cats and dogs in Florida shelters by making and donating pet toys made from recycled materials. Many animal shelters struggle to get donations and are not financially able to provide toys, which are essential to animals' emotional and physical well-being.

    Anyone can participate in Project Canis by sending in toys they made individually or as a service project with their organization. We have three toy designs: the braid, the plushie, and the crunch that can be made easily with recycled materials such as old t-shirts and plastic water bottles. Making the toys is super easy and fun, and participating in Project Canis is a great way for organizations to give back to the community.

    To volunteer with Project Canis, all you have to do is use our easy toy-making instructions found here: https://www…


    Voluntário pode estar em qualquer lugar do mundo
    Local Associado
    Gainesville, FL, USA

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