ONG (Setor Social)

Gather, Inc.

Washington, DC |

  • Sobre Nós

    Growing from the success of hyperlocal GatherDC’s relational engagement methodology, Gather, Inc. is an emergent project that trains change agents in the Jewish community to bring a relationship-centered approach to every aspect of their work, prioritizing the quality of Jewish connections and experiences over attendance. Our lived commitment to this relational methodology enables communities and leaders around the country to become ongoing partners in helping people access and create meaningful Jewish life wherever they seek it.

    Growing from the success of hyperlocal GatherDC’s relational engagement methodology, Gather, Inc. is an emergent project that trains change agents in the Jewish community to bring a relationship-centered approach to every aspect of their work, prioritizing the quality of Jewish connections and experiences over attendance. Our lived commitment to this relational methodology enables communities and leaders around the country to become ongoing partners in helping people access and create meaningful Jewish life wherever they seek it.

    Áreas Temáticas incluem

    Localização & Contato


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