The Center for Independent Media is a not-for-profit organization that fosters diversity of ideas in the national debate by educating and training people on the use of new communications technologies, such as the Internet, as an alternative publishing and distribution system to traditional broadcast and print media. The Center brings talented and diverse voices and ideas to the fore of our nation's discourse, through its Fellowships, conferences, and research. Programs emphasize the importance of citizen-driven journalism as a critical founding principle of our nation, the positive role of democratically elected government in securing the common good and social welfare, and the continuing benefits of our founding culture of egalitarian government by the people, for the people.
The Center for Independent Media is a not-for-profit organization that fosters diversity of ideas in the national debate by educating and training people on the use of new communications technologies, such as the Internet, as an alternative publishing and distribution system to traditional broadcast and print media. The Center brings talented and diverse voices and ideas to the fore of our nation's discourse, through its Fellowships, conferences, and research. Programs emphasize the importance of citizen-driven journalism as a critical founding principle of our nation, the positive role of democratically elected government in securing the common good and social welfare, and the continuing benefits of our founding culture of egalitarian government by the people, for the people.