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Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit

Detroit, MI |

  • Sobre Nós

    Mosaic’s mission is to empower young people to maximize their potential through professional performing arts training and the creation of theatrical and musical art that engages, transforms and inspires. Now completing its 21st season, Mosaic has toured theatrical and musical performances by its all-youth predominantly African American performing ensemble to Africa, Asia, Europe; and 25 states throughout the U.S., including performances at the Kennedy Center and the White House.

    95% of Mosaic’s young artists graduate from high school and go to college – significantly above the national average for young people of similar backgrounds. The University of Michigan’s School of Social Work and Psychology Department conducted a 3-year study of Mosaic’s youth development outcomes. The findings of the study provide documented evidence that Mosaic’s comprehensive arts training and performance opportunities provide young Detroiters with life skills that significantly enhance their ability to succeed academically and professionally. Mosaic’s alumni have achieved success on Broadway, in the music industry, and in Hollywood, as well as in teaching, banking, law and numerous other fields.

    Mosaic focuses on the disciplines of acting and vocal music, along with technical stagecraft. Mosaic’s Main Stage Ensemble is made up of 12-18 year olds from more than 50 metro Detroit middle and high schools. Mosaic also has intermediate (Second Stage) and beginning programs (First Stage) for young people ages 8-16 and a pre-professional Next Stage Company made up of advanced Main Stage members who get paid for select performances.

    Mosaic has won many national and regional awards and was chosen to represent the U.S. at the World Festival of Children’s Theatre in Denmark and the World Youth Theatre Festival in England. Mosaic has participated in cultural exchanges in Senegal and Singapore, and in 2012 won a silver medal at the World Choir Games. The Mosaic Singers have performed as the opening act for legendary artists such as Sweet Honey in the Rock, Pete Seeger, Al Green, John Legend, The Temptations, and Maya Angelou. Mosaic’s innovative arts and youth development programs have been featured on NBC’s Today Show, NPR’s All Things Considered and in American Theatre Magazine and The Wall Street Journal.

    Mosaic’s mission is to empower young people to maximize their potential through professional performing arts training and the creation of theatrical and musical art that engages, transforms and inspires. Now completing its 21st season, Mosaic has toured theatrical and musical performances by its all-youth predominantly African American performing ensemble to Africa, Asia, Europe; and 25 states throughout the U.S., including performances at the Kennedy Center and the White House.

    95% of Mosaic’s young artists graduate from high school and go to college – significantly above the national average for young people of similar backgrounds. The University of Michigan’s School of Social Work and Psychology Department conducted a 3-year study of Mosaic’s youth development outcomes. The findings of the study provide documented evidence that Mosaic’s comprehensive arts training and performance opportunities provide young Detroiters with life skills…

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    • 3011 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48202, United States

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