ONG (Setor Social)

Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) Europe e.V.

Berlin, BE, Alemanha |

  • Sobre Nós

    UAEM is a grassroots coalition of students and young researchers. Our origin story began 20 years ago at Yale University, where students mobilised as part of a demand to lower the prices of HIV/AIDS medication, resulting in a 95% price drop for key medicines and impacting hundreds of thousands of lives. Today, pharmaceutical companies continue to secure record-breaking profits, while many people around the world cannot pay their arbitrarily high prices. We believe that medicines are a right, not a privilege, and should be created for people not profit. UAEM members are committed to:

    1. promote access to medicines and medical innovations where barriers exist primarily by changing norms and practices around academic patenting and licensing, supported by our own independent research,
    2. ensure that university medical research meets the needs of people worldwide and actively supports the creation of new needs-based approaches to R&D and
    3. empower students to respond to the biomedical access and innovation crisis by advocating for the most promising global biomedical R&D system that works for all.

    UAEM is a grassroots coalition of students and young researchers. Our origin story began 20 years ago at Yale University, where students mobilised as part of a demand to lower the prices of HIV/AIDS medication, resulting in a 95% price drop for key medicines and impacting hundreds of thousands of lives. Today, pharmaceutical companies continue to secure record-breaking profits, while many people around the world cannot pay their arbitrarily high prices. We believe that medicines are a right, not a privilege, and should be created for people not profit. UAEM members are committed to:

    1. promote access to medicines and medical innovations where barriers exist primarily by changing norms and practices around academic patenting and licensing, supported by our own independent research,
    2. ensure that university medical research meets the needs of people worldwide and actively supports the creation of new needs-based approaches to R&D and
    3. empower…

    Áreas Temáticas incluem

    Localização & Contato

    Anúncios de Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) Europe e.V.

    VoluntariadoLocalizaçãoData Publicada
    Call for Board Members for UAEM Europe e.V.Berlin, BE, Alemanha24 de abril de 2024

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